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Cottontail DB gRPC Python Client

pypi Python package workflow

A Cottontail DB gRPC client for Python. Built with Cottontail DB Proto version 0.14.3. Comes with an interactive CLI for remote DB access.

Versions are numbered such that the first two numbers correspond with those of the compatible Cottontail DB Proto.


Clone and install locally, or with pip install cottontaildb-client.


Running the interactive CLI is as easy as cottontaildb-client [--port PORT] HOST.

Example usage in scripts:

from cottontaildb_client import CottontailDBClient, Type, Literal, column_def

with CottontailDBClient('localhost', 1865) as client:
    # Create schema
    # Define entity columns
    columns = [
        column_def('id', Type.STRING, nullable=False),
        column_def('value', Type.INTEGER, nullable=True)
    # Create entity
    client.create_entity('example_schema', 'example_entity', columns)
    # Insert entry
    entry = {'id': Literal(stringData='test_1'), 'value': Literal(intData=1)}
    client.insert('example_schema', 'example_entity', entry)
    # Insert batch
    columns = ['id', 'value']
    values = [
        [Literal(stringData='test_10'), Literal(intData=10)],
        [Literal(stringData='test_20'), Literal(intData=20)],
        [Literal(stringData='test_null'), Literal()]
    client.insert_batch('example_schema', 'example_entity', columns, values)


To update the gRPC client, regenerate, cottontail_pb2.pyi, and from the proto definitions file in the Cottontail DB repository.

The following is an approximate guide on how to do so from a terminal:

# Get the latest version of the Cottontail DB proto (and download to cottontaildb_client directory)
wget -P ./cottontaildb_client/
# Install necessary python packages
pip install grpcio grpcio-tools
# Generate the gRPC client
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --pyi_out=. --grpc_python_out=. ./cottontaildb_client/cottontail.proto

It is important that the path to the cottontail.proto file reflects the location of the gRPC Python files, such that the imports can be generated correctly.