Add a resize handle to your CodeMirror editor.
Based on an example by Rasmus Schultz (CodeMirror issue), with some extra options.
npm install cm-resize --save
import cmResize from 'cm-resize';
..or client-side
<script src=""></script>
var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(...); //..or some other way to create a CodeMirror instance
var handle = cmResize(myCodeMirror, {
minWidth: 200, //Minimum size of the CodeMirror editor.
minHeight: 100,
resizableWidth: true, //Which direction the editor can be resized (default: both width and height).
resizableHeight: true,
cssClass: 'cm-resize-handle', //CSS class to use on the *default* resize handle.
handle: //An element to use as the handler instead of the default one (`cssClass` doesn't apply here).