A Java implementation for performing authentication against the WSO2 API Manager and API Store.
You can use this Java library to perform authentication against the Sphereon API gateway (WSO2).
- Simple and clean request and configuration builders
- Request (refresh) tokens with multiple supported credential types
- Configuration manager (optional) with auto-encrypt functionality
- Support for standard property and XML property files
- Support for Spring application.properties
- Support for System environment variables
To clone and use this library application, you'll need Git, Maven and your favorite Java IDE.
To build locally:
# Clone this repository
> git clone https://github.com/Sphereon-OpenSource/authentication-lib.git
# Go into the repository
> cd authentication-lib
# Build and install into your Maven repository
> mvn clean install
Or use the published versions in our Maven repository:
# Use the artifact in your Maven pom or Gralde build configuration
<name>Sphereon Public</name>
<artifactId>authentication-lib-main</artifactId> <!-- Use authentication-lib-osgi for OSGI bundle -->
Basic usage without configuration
AuthenticationApi authenticationApi = new AuthenticationApi.Builder().build();
TokenRequest tokenRequest = authenticationApi.requestToken()
TokenResponse tokenResponse = tokenRequest.execute();
Using the configuration manager reading from an existing property file
ApiConfiguration configuration = new ApiConfiguration.Builder()
.setStandaloneConfigFile(new File("./config/authorization.properties"))
AuthenticationApi authenticationApi = new AuthenticationApi.Builder()
TokenRequest tokenRequest = authenticationApi.requestToken()
TokenResponse tokenResponse = tokenRequest.execute();
The property configuration layout is as follows: (dummy/example values are shown)
authentication-api.demo-application.gateway-base-url = https://gw.api.cloud.com/
authentication-api.demo-application.persistence-mode = READ_WRITE
authentication-api.demo-application.auto-encrypt = true
authentication-api.demo-application.consumer-key = cx2ReTjbfq5VbnR$f4$JJj8vTH5h
authentication-api.demo-application.consumer-secret = ENC(5GLQ4Y2AfaXvd2tA/ctw5mjOKyHg3TwJo/JTT2Dr4paXYQ7a2P=)
authentication-api.demo-application.grant-type = password
authentication-api.demo-application.username = DemoUser
authentication-api.demo-application.password = ENC(V29i2BP2mBTxaqsDk5HuzZOkZ9Qil5au)
- When no application is specified the .demo-application part will be omitted
- The values in the configuration files always override the settings done by the API implementor.
- When PersistentMode is set to READ_ONLY no settings from the configuration builder are being written to the property file, except when auto-encrypt = true.
- When auto-encrypt = true the secret fields will be encrypted if there is write access to the configuration file.
The grant-type property supports the following values:
client-credential, password, refresh-token, ntlm, kerberos, saml2
Each of these types have their own set of parameters described here:
(The parameter names shown are compatible with the property files.)
- ClientCredentialGrant
- No parameters necessary, only client key and client secret will be used to generate a new token.
- No refresh token will be returned.
- PasswordGrant
- Parameters: username and password from the API mananger account are required.
- A refresh token will be returned which can be used with RefreshTokenGrant.
- RefreshTokenGrant
- Parameters: refresh-token, a previously obtained refresh token.
- A new refresh token will be returned.
- NtlmGrant
- Parameters: windows-token, a pre-generated Windows NTLM token.
- KerberosGrant
- Parameters: kerberos-realm and kerberos-token
- SAML2Grant
- Parameters: saml2-assertion
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