Simple Experience Three.js with R3F and Mask / Stencil.
🧪 v0.1.0 〢 🖥 Live Demo 〢 Codesandbox
👇 Install the following packages
👇 Start or Build the application
yarn start
# Or
yarn preview
👉 Go to http://localhost:3000/r3f-simple-mask-move/
yarn lint # Run linter global
yarn format # Run prettier format
yarn build && yarn deploy
# yarn deploy -- -m "Deploy to GitHub Pages"
Change config in vite.config.vue
if you want:
export default defineConfig({
base: '/r3f-simple-mask-move/', // Adapt it ! (just for GH-PAGES)
server: {
port: 3000 // Default 3000: Adapt it !
// ...stuff...
Reminder 📦:
# update dependencies. need existing yarn.lock file
yarn upgrade-interactive --latest
- Node.js v16.0 min 📦
- Three.js v0.145.0 📦
- Powered with Vite 📦
- vite-plugin-glsl Simple Shaders support (glsl) 🎨
- @react-three/fiber React renderer for threejs
- @react-three/drei useful helpers for react-three-fiber
- react-spring a spring-physics-based animation library
- leva` create GUI controls in seconds