Web application to explore bacterial pangenomes
Homepage:: https://panexplorer.southgreen.fr
- singularity
- java
PanExplorer performs pan-genome analysis (using PGAP or Roary) and exposes resulting information as a comprehensive and easy way, through several modules facilitating the exploration gene clusters and interpretation of data.
The application allows interactive data exploration at different levels :
(i) Pan-genome visualizations as a presence/absence heatmap. This overview allows to easily identify and distinguish core-genes (present in all strains), cloud genes (genes from the accessory genome) and genome-specific genes.
(ii) Physical map of core-genes and strain-specific genes can be displayed as a circular genomic representation (Circos), for each genome taken independently.
(iii) Synteny analysis. The conservation of gene order between genomes can be investigated using graphical representations.
(iv) Visual inspection of a specific cluster.
- Alexis Dereeper (IRD)
- Damien Meyer (Cirad)
1- Git clone
git clone https://github.com/SouthGreenPlatform/PanExplorer.git
cd PanExplorer
2- Get the singularity container
cd singularity
wget https://panexplorer.southgreen.fr/singularity/panexplorer.sif
1- Define the PANEX_PATH environnement variable
export PANEX_PATH=/usr/local/bin/PanExplorer_workflow
2- Prepare your input dataset (list of genomes to be analyzed)
Edit a new file names "genbank_ids" listing the Genbank identifiers of complete assembled and annotated genomes.
The file should look like this
cat genbank_ids
3- Run the workflow
This step assumes you have singularity installed.
If singularity is not installed, have a look first to this: https://singularity-tutorial.github.io/01-installation/
Creating a pangenome using Roary
singularity exec PanExplorer/singularity/panexplorer.sif snakemake --cores 1 -s $PANEX_PATH/Snakemake_files/Snakefile_wget_roary_heatmap_upset_COG
Creating a pangenome using PGAP
singularity exec PanExplorer/singularity/panexplorer.sif snakemake --cores 1 -s $PANEX_PATH/Snakemake_files/Snakefile_wget_PGAP_heatmap_upset_COG
In both cases, you should a new directory named "outputs" containing all output files.
This includes:
UpsetR Diagram
Presence/absence heatmap of accessory genes:
This section describes how to run the dash web application, allowing to interactively explore results of PanExplorer workflow
Edit the configuration to indicate the path to the data directory dash/panexplorer_config.yaml
Run the application in debug mode
cd dash
python app.py
Open the following URL: http://localhost:8050
You should obtain the following rendering
This section describes how to deploy the web application on a Ubuntu running with Apache2.
As an example, we assume that files will be placed as follows in the following folder /var/www
1- Copy your panexplorer folder into /var/www
sudo mkdir /var/www/panexplorer
sudo cp -rf PanExplorer/* /var/www/panexplorer
2- Configure Apache
In ubuntu, the CGI module must be first enabled using this command
sudo a2enmod cgid
Add the following lines in the Apache configuration file /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or create a new VirtualHost containinf the following lines
DocumentRoot /var/www/panexplorer/htdocs
Alias /panexplorer /var/www/panexplorer/htdocs
<Directory "/var/www/panexplorer/htdocs/">
AllowOverride All
Options +FollowSymLinks +Indexes
Require all granted
LoadModule cgid_module modules/mod_cgid.so
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /var/www/panexplorer/cgi-bin/
<Directory "/var/www/panexplorer/cgi-bin/">
Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews +Includes +ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
SetHandler cgi-script
Require all granted
Restart apache
systemctl restart apache2
3- Install Perl modules
sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
>install CGI::Session
>install MIME::Lite
4- Copy directories into dedicated HTML and CGI directories
sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/panexplorer/*
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/panexplorer/*
sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/panexplorer/cgi-bin/*
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/panexplorer/cgi-bin/*
Create a directory for storing temporary outputs
sudo mkdir /var/www/panexplorer/htdocs/tmp
sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/panexplorer/htdocs/tmp
5- Edit the Configuration file and javascript
sudo vi /var/www/panexplorer/cgi-bin/Config/Configuration.pm
Modify the following lines depending on your environnement
our $HOMEPAGE = "http://localhost/panexplorer";
our $WEB_DIR = "http://localhost/panexplorer";
our $HOME_DIR = "/var/www/panexplorer/htdocs/";
our $CGI_DIR = "/var/www/panexplorer/cgi-bin/";
our $CGI_WEB_DIR = "http://localhost/cgi-bin";
our $TEMP_EXECUTION_DIR = "/var/www/panexplorer/htdocs/tmp";
6- Access to your application using the URL defined in Configuration.pm
GNU General Public GPLv3 License.