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Install and Usage Tutorial

修玉同(音弦) edited this page Jul 8, 2018 · 1 revision


Dyamk Injector

  • Clone the repo and go into it.
git clone
cd Dyamk
  • Run, it needs root to mkdir in /opt, you can check if it is safe by your self.
  • Some scripts are written in Python3, so you needs Python3 environment, if you don't have it, try pyenv.

Dyamk Host Client

  • copy the DyamkClient.podspec and Dyamk dir to your app's root dir, make sure these two files are in the same location, then you can use CocoaPods to install it.
pod 'DyamkClient', :path => '../DyamkClient.podspec'


  • open the DyamkInjector.xcodeproj with Xcode in the DyamkInjector dir.
  • change the build target to Build Me.
  • open the Build Settings tab, and select the target BuildMe, find the configuration key DYAMK_PYTHON3_PATH and change it to your python3 path, you can use which python3 in the shell to find it.

How to get start

Start a debug server in the host app with Dyamk.

#import <DyamkClient/DYAEngine.h>
// ...
- (void)someEntryInHostAppToInject {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    self.dyaEngine = [[DYAEngine alloc] init];
    NSError *dyaError = nil;
    [self.dyaEngine startAtPort:2224 error:&dyaError];
    if (dyaError) {
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", dyaError);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"DYA Server start at 2224");

All of your code should go in the DyamkCodePlayground class in the DyamkInjector Project, there is a __dyamk_debug_code_goes_here function for you, you can think it as the main function for your dylib.

void __dyamk_debug_code_goes_here() {
    // your code

Start with a new ViewController

Because the dylib will be inject and run again and again, so we needs to clear up the context everytime, so we would better create a new controller and dismiss the last one each time, there is a method in DyamkUIAspectTool for you to create and find controllers.

You can create a new controller by call dya_presentControllerForDebug function like this, and as you can see, we named the controller "self" to simulator we are work in the controller itself.

void __dyamk_debug_code_goes_here() {
    UIViewController *self = dya_presentControllerForDebug();
    self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor];

Dynamic Event Bind

You can use Dyamk_Method_N macro function to create a method's imp, a Dyamk_Method_N recevies 2 + 2*N params, they are: return type, name and param list.

such as Dyamk_Method_2.

// declare
Dyamk_Method_2(return_value_type, function_name, param1_type, param1_name, param2_type, param2_name);

// usage
Dyamk_Method_2(int, add, int, a, int, b) {
    return a + b;

Then you can use Dyamk_AddMethod to add it to a class. The Dyamk_AddMethod macro function using objc runtime to add or replace an instance method.

// declare
Dyamk_AddMethod(class_name, SEL, function_name, type_encoding);

// usage
Dyamk_AddMethod(SomeClass, @selector(add::), add, v@:ii);

The function will add a prefix for the function and convert a C or C++ function to an IMP for the objc message resolving, and the last param is type encoding for objc runtime, you can learn it from

Example for bind an event for button click.

//  DyamkCodePlayground.m
//  DyamkInjector

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "DyamkUIAspectTool.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "DyamkEventTool.h"

Dyamk_Method_1(void, onClick, id, sender) {
    NSLog(@"sender is %@", sender);
    // add btn's event handle goes here

#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundeclared-selector"

void __dyamk_debug_code_goes_here() {
    UIViewController *self = dya_presentControllerForDebug();
    UIButton *addBtn = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeContactAdd]; =;
    Dyamk_AddMethod(UIViewController, @selector(addClick:), onClick, v@:@);
    [addBtn addTarget:self action:@selector(addClick:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
    [self.view addSubview:addBtn];

#pragma clang diagnostic pop