This code was used to gather and process data while playing the game Fall Guys. The network was then trained using the FastAI Libary.
- I used dual monitors with a game playing at a 800 X 600 resolution on one screen.
- You can start data collection by running
- Pressing B will start the screen / key grab. These will be stored in lists until the episode is done.
- Once the episode ( Round ) ends pressing h will stop the screen / key grab process and all data will be moved to a numpy array.
- Then I used a script in util folder called to put then onto a disk drive in folders corresponding to their actions.
- Use the file called
- Point it at your image directory
- Fully random agent is
- Trained Agent is
- You will have to load in the pkl created from training.
- Uses inputs to the nural network (Observations) of pixes in the game.
- 224 X 224
- Line detection
- YouTube Clarity Coders
- Chat with me! Discord