Say is a Rust-based command-line utility that allows you to display text on the console. It works similarly to the Unix echo command
To use Say, you'll need to have Rust installed on your system. Once Rust is installed, you can build Say with the following steps:
- Clone the Say repository:
git clone
- Change into the cloned directory:
cd say
- Build the project with Cargo:
cargo build --release
- The built binary will be available in the target/release directory. You can move it to your desired location:
mv target/release/say /usr/local/bin/
Say is similar to the Unix echo command. Here are some examples of how to use it:
say Hello, World!
This will display the text "Hello, World!" on the console.
say -e "Hello,\t\t\t\tWorld!\nHow are you today?\n"
This will display the text "Hello," followed by four horizontal tabs, followed by the word "World!", and then a newline character. After the newline, it will display the text "How are you today?" on a new line.
say -e "Hello, \x1b[31mWorld!\x1b[0m"
This will display the text "Hello, World!" on the console, with the word "World!" colored in red.
Say is a small project created for learning purposes, but contributions are always welcome! If you have an idea for an improvement, feel free to create a pull request.
Say is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.