论文Timeseries data mining(2012)中提出:时间序列数据挖掘包括7个基本任务和3个基础问题:
Task | |
1 | query by content |
2 | clustering |
3 | classfication |
4 | segmentation |
5 | prediction |
6 | anomaly detection |
7 | motif discovery |
Issues | |
1 | data representation |
2 | similarity measure |
3 | indexing |
现已有2013-2018年间重要会议的时间序列相关论文列表(见下文Paper List)。
接下来需要我们快速阅读每篇论文的Abstract和Introduction,按照“新问题”和“新方法”对论文进行分类。 其中新方法的论文暂时放一边,重点关注新问题,总结记录2013-2018年论文中提出的新问题。
- 新问题关注度 > 新方法关注度
- 提出新问题的论文的工作量<提出新方法的论文的工作量,因为后者需要battle所有已有的方法
- 问题可能和具体应用高度相关,也可能是一般性的问题
- 大量的时间序列产生
- 在工业时间序列中 工况需要分段
- 现在是人工来做这件事,也有一些其它自动化方法,但是存在问题缺陷不足
- 这件事情non-trivial 有难度
- 我们的方法怎么对应上面的non-trivial 一些结果 在数据集上验证
- 我们的contributions,可能是提出了一个新问题、提出了一种改进算法等等
- 后文的结构
芮: prediction(47+)
康: anomaly detection(26+), motif discovery(10+), analysis(2+)
江: query by content(16+), classfication(23+)
安: clustering(28+), segmentation(3+)
- Similarity Measure Selection for Clustering Time Series Databases:对时间序列数据集进行聚类分析时,自动选择最合适的相似性度量方法;
- Interpretable Categorization of Heterogeneous Time Series Data:多种类多维度时间序列的解释性分类;
- Developing a Low Dimensional Patient Class Profile in Accordance to Their Respiration-Induced Tumor Motion:利用肿瘤数据(由时间序列组成)创建低维的病人档案(包含病人个人信息、生命体征以及化验或检查结果);
- Local Search Methods for k-Means with Outliers:带有异常值的k-Means的本地搜索;
- Density Based Clustering over Location Based Services:LBS(定位服务)基于密度的聚类;
- Task 1 query by content (16+)
- Task 2 clustering (28+)
- Task 3 classfication (23+)
- Task 4 segmentation (3+)
- Task 5 prediction (47+)
- Task 6 anomaly detection (26+)
- Task 7 motif discovery (10+)
- Task 8 analysis (2+)
Source | Title | Classification |
TKDE 2016 | Metric All-k-Nearest-Neighbor Search | |
NIPS 2017 | Soft-DTW: a Differentiable Loss Function for Time-Series | |
NIPS 2018 | Autowarp: Learning a Warping Distance from Unlabeled Time Series Using Sequence Autoencoders |
Source | Title | Classification |
SIGIR-2018 | CA-LSTM: Search Task Identification with Context Attention based LSTM | |
SIGMOD-2018 | Qetch: Time Series Querying with Expressive Sketches | |
SIGMOD-2017 | Approximate Query Processing: No Silver Bullet | |
SIGMOD-2017 | Approximate Query Engines: Commercial Challenges and Research Opportunities | |
SIGMOD-2017 | Approximate Query Processing for Interactive Data Science | |
VLDB-2017 | DITIR: Distributed Index for High Throughput Trajectory Insertion and Real-time Temporal Range Query | |
DASFAA-2018 | Time-Based Trajectory Data Partitioning for Efficient Range Query | |
ICDE-2017 | Tracking Matrix Approximation over Distributed Sliding Windows. 833-844 | |
ICDE-2015 | Predictive tree: An efficient index for predictive queries on road networks. 1215-1226 | |
TKDE 2017 | Measuring Concentration of Distances—An Effective and Efficient Empirical Index. | |
TKDE 2018 | Non-Overlapping Subsequence Matching of Stream Synopses | |
TKDE 2018 | Reverse k Nearest Neighbor Search over Trajectories | |
TKDE 2018 | Fast Cosine Similarity Search in Binary Space with Angular Multi-Index Hashing |
Source | Title | Classification |
TODS 2013 | Data Stream Clustering: A Survey | 新方法 |
Source | Title | Classification |
TKDE 2016 | Similarity Measure Selection for Clustering Time Series Databases | 新问题 |
TKDE 2018 | Similarity Metrics for SQL Query Clustering | 新方法 |
TODS 2017 | Fast and Accurate Time-Series Clustering | 新方法 |
Source | Title | Classification |
DASFAA-2018 | Scalable Active Constrained Clustering for Temporal Data | 新方法 |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Identifying Representative Load Time Series for Load Flow Calculations | 新方法 |
ICDM-2017 | Distance and Density Clustering for Time Series Data | 新方法 |
PODS-2018 | Subtrajectory Clustering: Models and Algorithms | 新方法 |
SDM-2018 | Interpretable Categorization of Heterogeneous Time Series Data | 新问题 |
SIGIR-2018 | CA-LSTM: Search Task Identification with Context Attention based LSTM | 新方法 |
SIGKDD-2017 | (Research Track最佳论文Runner Up)Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-Based Clustering of Multivariate Time Series Data | 新方法 |
SIGKDD-2017 | Effective and Real-time In-App Activity Analysis in Encrypted Internet Traffic Streams | 新方法 |
SIGKDD-2017 | Patient Subtyping via Time-Aware LSTM Networks | 新方法 |
SIGKDD-2017 | Robust Spectral Clustering for Noisy Data | 新方法 |
SIGKDD-2017 | Clustering Individual Transactional Data for Masses of Users | 新方法 |
SIGKDD-2017 | KATE: K-Competitive Autoencoder for Text | 新方法 |
VLDB-2018 | Clustering Stream Data by Exploring the Evolution of Density Mountain | 新方法 |
VLDB-2017 | Developing a Low Dimensional Patient Class Profile in Accordance to Their Respiration-Induced Tumor Motion | 新问题 |
VLDB-2017 | NG-DBSCAN: Scalable Density-Based Clustering for Arbitrary Data. 157-168 | 新方法 |
VLDB-2017 | Local Search Methods for k-Means with Outliers. 757-768 | 新问题 |
VLDB-2017 | Dimensions Based Data Clustering and Zone Maps. 1622-1633 | 新方法 |
VLDB-2015 | YADING: Fast Clustering of Large-Scale Time Series Data. 473-484 ★★★ | 新方法 |
ICDE-2016 | Streaming spectral clustering. 637-648 | 新方法 |
ICDE-2017 | Density Based Clustering over Location Based Services. 461-469 | 新问题 |
ICDE-2017 | A model-based approach for text clustering with outlier detection. 625-636 | 新方法 |
ICDE-2017 | Accelerating large scale centroid-based clustering with locality sensitive hashing. 649-660 | 新方法 |
ICDE-2017 | PurTreeClust: A purchase tree clustering algorithm for large-scale customer transaction data. 661-672 | 新方法 |
ICDE-2017 | ClEveR: Clustering events with high density of true-to-false occurrence ratio. 918-929 | 新方法 |
Source | Title | Classification |
TKDE 2016 | Classifying Time Series Using Local Descriptors with Hybrid Sampling | |
TKDE 2015 | Time-Series Classification with COTE: The Collective of Transformation-Based Ensembles. | |
TKDE 2014 | Probabilistic Sequence Translation-Alignment Model for Time-Series Classification |
Source | Title | Classification |
SIGKDD-2017 | Effective and Real-time In-App Activity Analysis in Encrypted Internet Traffic Streams | |
ICDE-2017 | ACTS: An Active Learning Method for Time Series Classification | |
ICDE-2017 | Time Series Classification by Sequence Learning in All-Subsequence Space | |
VLDB-2017 | Effects of Varying Sampling Frequency on the Analysis of Continuous ECG Data Streams | |
SDM-2018 | Interpretable Categorization of Heterogeneous Time Series Data | |
SDM-2018 | Evolving Separating References for Time Series Classification | |
SDM-2018 | Classifying Multivariate Time Series by Learning Sequence-level Discriminative Patterns | |
SDM-2018 | Brain EEG Time Series Selection: A Novel Graph-Based Approach for Classification | |
ICDM-2017 | Linear Time Complexity Time Series Classification with Bag-of-Pattern-Features | |
EDBT-2018 | Extracting Statistical Graph Features for Accurate and Efficient Time Series Classification | |
DASFAA-2018 | Nearest Subspace with Discriminative Regularization for Time Series Classification | |
CIKM-2017 | Fast and Accurate Time Series Classification with WEASEL | |
CIKM-2017 | Does That Mean You're Happy?: RNN-based Modeling of User Interaction Sequences to Detect Good Abandonment | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Behavioral Constraint Template-Based Sequence Classification | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Cost Sensitive Time-Series Classification | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Efficient Temporal Kernels Between Feature Sets for Time Series Classification | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Analyzing Granger Causality in Climate Data with Time Series Classification Methods | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | End-to-end Learning of Deep Spatio-temporal Representations for Satellite Image Time Series Classification | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Temporal and spatial approaches for land cover classification | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Self-Adaptive Ensemble Classifier for Handling Complex Concept Drift |
Source | Title | Classification |
TKDE 2017 | Efficient Pattern-Based Aggregation on Sequence Data. | 新方法 |
TKDE 2014 | An Adaptive Approach to Real-Time Aggregate Monitoring With Differential Privacy | 新方法 |
Source | Title | Classification |
TKDE 2018 | BEATS: Blocks of Eigenvalues Algorithm for Time Series Segmentation. | 新方法 |
Source | Title | Classification |
NIPS 2018 | Deep State Space Models for Time Series Forecasting |
Source | Title | Classification |
SIGKDD-2017 | Incremental Dual-memory LSTM in Land Cover Prediction | |
SIGKDD-2017 | Mixture Factorized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes for Time-Series Forecasting | |
SIGKDD-2017 | Retrospective Higher-Order Markov Processes for User Trails | |
SIGKDD-2017 | The Simpler The Better: A Unified Approach to Predicting Original Taxi Demands on Large-Scale Online Platforms | |
SIGKDD-2017 | Stock Price Prediction via Discovering Multi-Frequency Trading Patterns | |
SIGKDD-2017 | Dipole: Diagnosis Prediction in Healthcare via Attention-based Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks | |
SIGKDD-2017 | Tracking the Dynamics in Crowdfunding | |
SIGKDD-2017 | DeepMood: Modeling Mobile Phone Typing Dynamics for Mood Detection | |
SDM-2018 | Sparse Decomposition for Time Series Forecasting and Anomaly Detection | |
SDM-2018 | StreamCast: Fast and Online Mining of Power Grid Time Sequences | |
SDM-2018 | Who will Attend This Event Together? Event Attendance Prediction via Deep LSTM Networks | |
SIGMOD-2018 | Spatiotemporal Traffic Volume Estimation Model Based on GPS Samples | |
SIGMOD-2015 | SMiLer: A Semi-Lazy Time Series Prediction System for Sensors | |
SIGIR-2018 | A Flexible Forecasting Framework for Hiera1rchical Time Series with Seasonal Patterns: A Case Study of Web Traffic | |
SIGIR-2018 | Modeling Long- and Short-Term Temporal Patterns with Deep Neural Networks | |
SIGIR-2018 | Ad Click Prediction in Sequence with Long Short-Term Memory Networks: an Externality-aware Model | |
VLDB-2018 | Forecasting Big Time Series: Old and New | |
VLDB-2018 | Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Earthquake Detection: A Case Study Scaling Data-Driven Science | |
VLDB-2017 | Matrix Profile IV: Using Weakly Lab1eled Time Series to Predict Outcomes | |
VLDB-2017 | Flexible Online Task Assignment in Real-Time Spatial Data | |
VLDB-2017 | A Time Machine for Information: Looking Back to Look Forward | |
ICDT-2018 | Short-Term Traffic Forecasting: A Dynamic ST-KNN Model Considering Spatial Heterogeneity and Temporal Non-Stationarity | |
ICDM-2017 | Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks for Space-Time Series Forecasting and Relations Discovery | |
ICDM-2017 | Time-Aware Latent Hierarchical Model for Predicting House Prices | |
ICDM-2017 | Autoregressive Tensor Factorization for Spatio-temporal Predictions | |
ICDM-2017 | Deep and Confident Prediction for Time Series at Uber | |
ICDM-2017 | Improving Multivariate Time Series Forecasting with Random Walks with Restarts on Causality Graphs | |
EDBT-2018 | Big Data Analytics for Time Critical Maritime and Aerial Mobility Forecasting | |
DASFAA-2018 | A Road-Aware Neural Network for Multi-step Vehicle Trajectory Prediction | |
CIKM-2017 | Coupled Sparse Matrix Factorization for Response Time Prediction in Logistics Services | |
CIKM-2017 | A Personalized Predictive Framework for Multivariate Clinical Time Series via Adaptive Model Selection | |
CIKM-2017 | A Study of Feature Construction for Text-based Forecasting of Time Series Variables | |
CIKM-2017 | Collaborative Sequence Prediction for Sequential Recommender | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | BeatLex: Summarizing and Forecasting Time Series with Patterns | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Arbitrated Ensemble for Time Series Forecasting | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Forecasting and Granger Modelling with Non-linear Dynamical Dependencies | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | PowerCast: Mining and Forecasting Power Grid Sequences | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Modeling the Temporal Nature of Human Behavior for Demographics Prediction | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Taking It for a Test Drive: A Hybrid Spatio-Temporal Model for Wildlife Poaching Prediction Evaluated Through a Controlled Field Test | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Predicting Defective Engines using Convolutional Neural Networks on Temporal Vibration Signals | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Usefulness of Unsupervised Ensemble Learning Methods for Time Series Forecasting of Aggregated or Clustered Load | |
ICDE-2017 | Prediction-Based Task Assignment in Spatial Crowdsourcing. 997-1008 | |
ICDE-2017 | Discovering interpretable geo-social communities for user behavior prediction. 942-953 | |
ICDE-2016 | Link prediction in graph streams. 553-564 | |
ICDE-2015 | Searchlight: Context-aware predictive Continuous Querying of moving objects in symbolic space. 687-698 | |
ICDE-2015 | Predictive tree: An efficient index for predictive queries on road networks. 1215-1226 |
Source | Title | Classification |
TKDE 2014 | Outlier Detection for Temporal Data: A Survey |
Source | Title | Classification |
NIPS 2018 | Precision and Recall for Time Series |
Source | Title | Classification |
SIGKDD-2017 | Anomaly Detection in Streams with Extreme Value Theory | |
SIGKDD-2017 | Let's See Your Digits: Anomalous-State Detection using Benford's Law | |
SIGKDD-2017 | Finding Precursors to Anomalous Drop in Airspeed During a Flight's Take-off | |
SIGKDD-2017 | Distributed Local Outlier Detection in Big Data | |
SIGKDD-2017 | REMIX: Automated Exploration for Interactive Outlier Detection | |
SIGKDD-2017 | Scalable Top-n Local Outlier Detection | |
SIGKDD-2017 | Compass: Spatio Temporal Sentiment Analysis of US Election | |
SIGMOD-2018 | TcpRT: Instrument and Diagnostic Analysis System for Service Quality of Cloud Databases at Massive Scale in Real-time | |
SIGMOD-2018 | Auto-Detect: Data-Driven Error Detection in Tables | |
SIGMOD-2018 | RushMon: Real-time Isolation Anomalies Monitoring | |
ICDE-2018 | Improving Quality of Observational Streaming Medical Data by Using Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs) | |
ICDE-2017 | LSHiForest: A Generic Framework for Fast Tree Isolation Based Ensemble Anomaly Analysis. 983-994 | |
VLDB-2017 | Time Series Data Cleaning: From Anomaly Detection to Anomaly Repairing | |
VLDB-2017 | Local Search Methods for k-Means with Outliers | |
VLDB-2016 | Streaming Anomaly Detection Using Randomized Matrix Sketching. 192-203 ★★★ | |
SDM-2018 | Sparse Decomposition for Time Series Forecasting and Anomaly Detection | |
SDM-2018 | StreamCast: Fast and Online Mining of Power Grid Time Sequences | |
SDM-2018 | Outlier Detection over Distributed Trajectory Streams | |
ICDM-2017 | Matrix Profile VII: Time Series Chains: A New Primitive for Time Series Data Mining (Best Student Paper Award) | |
ICDM-2017 | Dependency Anomaly Detection for Heterogeneous Time Series: A Granger-Lasso Approach | |
CIKM-2017 | Efficient Discovery of Abnormal Event Sequences in Enterprise Security Systems | |
CIKM-2017 | Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Networks using Multi-view Time-Series Hypersphere Learning | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | UAPD: Predicting Urban Anomalies from Spatial-Temporal Data | |
ECML PKDD-2017 | Transfer Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection |
Source | Title | Classification |
SIGKDD-2017 | Matrix Profile V: A Generic Technique to Incorporate Domain Knowledge into Motif Discovery | |
SIGKDD-2017 | Contextual Motifs: Increasing the Utility of Motifs using Contextual Data | |
SIGMOD-2018 | Matrix Profile X: VALMOD - Scalable Discovery of Variable-Length Motifs in Data Series | |
SIGMOD-2018 | VALMOD: A Suite for Easy and Exact Detection of Variable Length Motifs in Data Series | |
ICDM-2017 | IterativE Grammar-Based Framework for Discovering Variable-Length Time Series Motifs | |
ICDM-2017 | Efficient discovery of time series motifs with large length range in million scale time series | |
ICDM-2017 | Matrix Profile VI: Meaningful Multidimensional Motif Discovery | |
ICDE-2016 | Fast motif discovery in short sequences. 1158-1169 | |
ICDE-2015 | Quick-motif: An efficient and scalable framework for exact motif discovery. 579-590 | |
VLDB-2015 | Rare Time Series Motif Discovery from Unbounded Streams. 149-160 |
Source | Title | Classification |
TKDE 2018 | Diverse Relevance Feedback for Time Series with Autoencoder Based Summarizations |
Source | Title | Classification |
TKDE 2017 | Time Series Management Systems: A Survey. |