This ROS 2 package provides a visualization setup for the UR5e robotic arm with a Robotiq gripper using RViz. It includes all necessary configuration files, launch files, and description files to get you started with visualizing the robot in a simulated environment.
- UR5e robotic arm and Robotiq gripper integration
- Ready-to-use RViz configuration
- Customizable Xacro files for robot descriptions
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- ROS 2
- RViz2
To install the UR5e Robotiq Gripper Visualization package, follow these steps:
# Source your ROS 2 workspace
source /opt/ros/<ros2_distro>/setup.bash
# Clone the repository into your ROS 2 workspace
cd ~/your_ros2_ws/src
git clone
# Build the package
cd ~/your_ros2_ws
colcon build --packages-select ur5e_robotiq_gripper_visualization
# Source the workspace
source ~/your_ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
To run the visualization, use the provided launch file:
ros2 launch ur5e_robotiq_gripper_visualization
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
- Thanks to Universal Robots for providing detailed models and documentation of their robotic systems.
- Thanks to Robotiq for the open-source gripper models and control software which have been integral to this visualization project.
- Special thanks to all the contributors of the ROS community whose shared insights and code snippets have been invaluable.