This is a Go client API for Jiskefet based on the go-swagger code generator (
Note: this repo contains a submodule jiskefet-openapi-spec
that should point towards the spec that was used to generate the code.
export GOPATH=/my/working/dir/
go get -u -v
If your api is at http://myhost.server.address/api
cd $GOPATH/src/
export JISKEFET_HOST=myhost.server.address
export JISKEFET_PATH=api
export JISKEFET_API_TOKEN=jnk5vh43785ycj4gdvlvm84fg...
go run main.go
A submodule is kept which points to the openapi-spec version which was used to generate the API. To (re)generate the client code:
go get -u -v
cd $GOPATH/src/
git submodule init
git submodule update
go get -u -f ./..
$GOPATH/bin/swagger generate client --spec=jiskefet-openapi-spec/openapi-spec.yaml