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An action to create setup for C8Y plugins e2e tests using Cockpit as shell.

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This repository contains actions that might be utilized for end-to-end tests for the Cumulocity IoT plugins. Available actions are:

  • Collect shell versions
  • Get shell app

For example of usage of both action, see Cumulocity community plugins e2e workflow section.

Collect shell versions action

This action will return list of @c8y/ngx-components package versions by distribution tag. By default, it will return last three versions by yearly release dist tags (and 1018-lts if there are no three yearly releases yet). Result of this action is a JSON array of objects implementing the following structure:

	tag: string;
	version: string;

Example output of this action:

	{ "tag": "y2025-lts", "version": "1020.0.19" },
	{ "tag": "y2024-lts", "version": "1018.503.100" },
	{ "tag": "1018.0-lts", "version": "1018.0.267" }


Action can be utilized in various purposes. In this example we run collect-shell-versions action and then use it's output in next step to create a matrix strategy which will result in parallel jobs. Each job will get an object with dist tag and exact version of the shell app.

    timeout-minutes: 30
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
      shell_versions: ${{ steps.collect-shell-versions.outputs.shell_versions }} # declare output variable

      - name: Collect Shell Versions
        id: collect-shell-versions
        uses: SoftwareAG/plugins-e2e-setup/collect-shell-versions@main # reference to collect-shell-versions action

      - name: Verify shell versions output
        run: echo "Collected shell versions ${{ steps.collect-shell-versions.outputs.shell_versions }}" # e.g. `echo "Collected shell versions [{"tag":"y2025-lts","version":"1020.0.19"},{"tag":"y2024-lts","version":"1018.503.100"},{"tag":"1018.0-lts","version":"1018.0.267"}]"`

    needs: [collect-shell-versions]
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
        version_data: ${{ fromJson(needs.collect-shell-versions.outputs.shell_versions) }} # create matrix strategy based on collect-shell-versions output
    env: # declare environment variables based on matrix strategy
      JSON: ${{ toJson(matrix.version_data) }} # e.g. `{"tag":"y2025-lts","version":"1020.0.19"}`
      VERSION: ${{ matrix.version_data.version }} # e.g. `1020.0.19`



You can modify returned list with inputs below:

  • include-latest - boolean; if set to true it will include the latest version of the shell app as first element of output (and yearly releases as next elements). Default is false. Optional.
  • versions-length - number; maximum number of versions to include in the output. Default is 3. Returned list may be shorter if available dist tags are less than provided number. Optional.
  • include-deprecated - boolean; if set to true it will include deprecated versions in the output. Default is false. Optional.
  • exact-tags - string; comma separated list of exact dist tags to include in the output, e.g. "y2024-lts,1018.0-lts". It will override include-latest and versions-length inputs. Input include-deprecated is still applicable along with exact-tags. Optional.
  • package-name- string; name of the package to get versions for. Default is @c8y/ngx-components. Optional.

Get shell apps action

This action downloads shell app of given version and unzips it to provided destination path.


Action can be utilized for e2e testing purposes. In this example we get Cockpit app and use it to test plugins against Cockpit shell. Cockpit of version 1020.0.19 will be downloaded and unzipped to to dist/apps/cockpit.

  runs-on: ubuntu-22.04

    # Omitting not relevant steps

    - name: Download build artifact
      uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
        name: build
        path: dist/apps/sag-pkg-community-plugins/

    - name: Get shell app of particular version
      uses: SoftwareAG/plugins-e2e-setup/get-shell-app@main # reference to get-shell-app action
        shell-name: cockpit
        shell-version: 1020.0.19
        shell-path: dist/apps

    - name: Cypress run
      uses: cypress-io/github-action@v5
        start: npm run cypress:ctrl # using cumulocity-cypress-control package to host dist folder
        install: false
        wait-on: 'http://localhost:4200/apps/cockpit/index.html?remotes=%7B"sag-pkg-community-plugins"%3A%5B"ExampleWidgetPluginModule"%2C"DatapointsGraphWidgetModule"%5D%7D#'
        browser: chrome
        config-file: cypress.config.ts


You can modify action's behavior with inputs below:

  • shell-name - string; name of the shell app to download. Possible shells are cockpit, devicemanagement and administration. Required.
  • shell-version - string; exact version of shell app. E.g. 1020.0.19. Required.
  • shell-path - string; path where shell app should be unzipped. Default is dist/apps. Ultimately shell app will be extracted to path <shell-path>/<shell-name>, e.g. for shell-path: dist/apps and shell-name: cockpit, shell will be extracted to dist/apps/cockpit. Optional.

Features as scripts

Both collect-shell-versions and get-shell-app can be used as scripts from folder dist/scripts/collect-shell-versions/index.js and dist/scripts/get-shell-app/index.js respectively. For example, to run get-shell-app script you can add wrapper script that require dist/scripts/get-shell-app/index.js, get parameters from command line and run the script.

const { getShellApp } = require('<path>/index');

async function testGetShellApp(shellName, shellVersion, shellPath) {
        await getShellApp({
const [shellName, shellVersion, shellPath] = process.argv.slice(2);

testGetShellApp(shellName, shellVersion, shellPath);

Run the script from console

node <path>/test.js cockpit 1020.2.12 ./test-path

In result, cockpit app will be downloaded and unzipped to ./test-path/cockpit folder.


An action to create setup for C8Y plugins e2e tests using Cockpit as shell.







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