In an effort to remove the necessity of creating legacy add-ons for Shield studies, we are working on supporting a pure Web Extension workflow in this template. Until support for those workflows become stable, it is still recommended to use this template as it is and create legacy add-ons for your study. Chat with us: #shield on Slack about the latest progress and how to help us progress faster away from legacy add-ons.
Note: This contains an example Shield Study Legacy Add-on. Use this as a template for yours.
(Note: Make this README reflect your study).
Goal: Determine which if any TOOLBAR BUTTONS DESIGNS is the most enticing to the user.
See for more details on how to get the add-on installed and tested.
- Button (BrowserAction) usage.
See for more details on what pings are sent by this add-on.
Telemetry pings are loaded into S3 and re:dash. Sample query:
See for more details on how to work with this add-on as a developer.