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CartPole in SofaGym Tutorial

This tutorial describes how to use the SofaGym plugin to create a Gym environment for a custom SOFA scene and train it using Reinforcement Learning (RL).

The two main parts of this tutorial focus on creating the gym environment for the SOFA scene we want to train, and modifying the scene to add the necessary components to run the RL algorithms during the SOFA simulation.

Once completed, the knowledge acquired from this tutorial can be applied to other SOFA scenes.

Tutorial prerequisites:

  • You have installed Sofa and the SofaGym plugin with all the necessary dependencies.

  • You have basic knowledge of the Python programming language. If this is not the case you can go to Python Tutorials.

  • You have basic knowledge of scene modeling with SOFA. If not, please complete the FirstSteps tutorial first.

This tutorial is applied to the CartPole example, shown in Figure 1. This environment is the same as the one found in the Gymnasium examples, which is based on the classical control problem of the cart-pole. The cart can move left and right, and the un-actuated pole is attached to it. The goal is to keep the pole balanced upright by only controlling the direction of the cart's motion.

Figure 1: CartPole environment simulation in SOFA.

Step 1: Create the CartPoleEnv Class

The first step is to create a custom gym environment for the SOFA scene we want to simulate and train. For in-depth documentation on this, you can check the gymnasium tutorial for creating custom environments.

All gym environments are defined as classes that must inherit from the base gym.Env class and override the necessary methods. In SofaGym, our AbstractEnv class inherits from gym.Env to act as the base class for creating the SOFA gym environments. To create a new environment from a SOFA scene, you need to create a class for your environment that inherits from the AbstractEnv class. For this, we will create a new file

class CartPoleEnv(AbstractEnv):
    """Sub-class of AbstractEnv, dedicated to the cartpole scene.

    See the class AbstractEnv for arguments and methods.

After creating the new environment class, the default configuration for the SOFA scene should be defined as a dictionary. The minimum required data that must be defined can be found in AbstractEnv documentation. Other config data can be added if needed, according to the scene.

#Setting a default configuration
    path = path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    metadata = {'render.modes': ['human', 'rgb_array']}
    DEFAULT_CONFIG = {"scene": "CartPole",
                      "deterministic": True,
                      "source": [0, 0, 160],
                      "target": [0, 0, 0],
                      "goalList": [[0]],
                      "start_node": None,
                      "scale_factor": 10,
                      "dt": 0.001,
                      "timer_limit": 80,
                      "timeout": 50,
                      "display_size": (1600, 800),
                      "render": 0,
                      "save_data": False,
                      "save_image": False,
                      "save_path": path + "/Results" + "/CartPole",
                      "planning": False,
                      "discrete": False,
                      "start_from_history": None,
                      "python_version": "python3.9",
                      "zFar": 4000,
                      "time_before_start": 0,
                      "seed": None,
                      "init_x": 0,
                      "max_move": 24,

In the class init, we initialize any necessary variables and assign their values based on the previously defined config. For the CartPole env, we define the maximum value cart of the cart's motion on the x-axis as x_threshold. We also define the maximum allowed angle for the pole to tilt before it's considered to be falling.

We must also define the type of actions and observations the gym environment will use by defining the action_space and observation_space. In the CartPole case, we can only control the cart to move either left or right, so we have only two actions that we define as Discrete(2). The observation space is defined as Box() which consists of 4 continuous values representing the cart x position, the cart velocity, the pole angle, and the pole angular velocity. The minimum and maximum values for the observations are also defined according to the allowed thresholds for the positions and velocities of the cart and pole.

    def __init__(self, config = None):

        self.x_threshold = 100
        self.theta_threshold_radians = self.config["max_move"] * math.pi / 180
        self.config.update({'max_angle': self.theta_threshold_radians})
        high = np.array(
                self.x_threshold * 2,

        nb_actions = 2
        self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(nb_actions)
        self.nb_actions = str(nb_actions)

        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(high, -high, dtype=np.float32)

The second part is to override the step and reset methods from the AbstractEnv class. For the step method, no additions are required. For the reset method, we need to restart the scene using start_scene and return the first observation. It might also be needed to update some parameters or configs like the randomized goal position in the case of some environments.

    def step(self, action):
        return super().step(action)

    def reset(self):
        """Reset simulation.

            We launch a client to create the scene. The scene of the program is


        self.config.update({'goalPos': self.goal})

        obs = start_scene(self.config, self.nb_actions)
        return np.array(obs['observation'])

Step 2: Create the Environment's Toolbox

The next step is to implement the methods and functions necessary for the RL algorithms to work. Three essential parts need to be implemented for this, defining and applying the actions, defining and calculating the reward, and getting the new observation from the simulation and updating it. One additional component that is relevant to some environments is a GoalSetter to define and update a target goal if necessary.

First, we need to create a new file CartPoleToolbox. For each of the parts that need to be implemented, some components are required to be defined to make the SOFA scene compatible with SofaGym.

  • Actions:
    • startCmd function
  • Reward:
    • getReward function
    • RewardShaper class
  • Observation:
    • getState function
    • getPos function
    • setPos function
  • Goal:
    • GoalSetter class


The possible actions that could be applied by the agent must be defined. The CartPole environment has two actions as discussed in the previous step, move the cart left or right. This could be achieved by applying a constant force field on the cart with a positive value (right direction) or a negative value (left direction) depending on the chosen action 0 or 1, respectively.

We can define an ApplyAction class that inherits from Sofa.Core.Controller, which allows us to add this component to the scene and make it update the value of the constantForceField component during the simulation steps. We initialize an incr variable to define the value of the force change between two consecutive steps.

The compute_action method sets the actual value of the action to take based on the value returned by the RL algorithm. The _move method is used to update the force field applied on the cart by changing the x value of the constantForceField object of the cart to control the motion of the cart left and right. Finally, the apply_action method will be used to apply the action by the agent.

class ApplyAction(Sofa.Core.Controller):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Sofa.Core.Controller.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.root = kwargs["root"]
        self.cart = self.root.Modeling.Cart

        self.incr = 1000

    def _move(self, incr):
        cartForceField = self.cart.CartForce
        force = cartForceField.force.value.tolist()
        force[0] = incr
        cartForceField.force.value = np.array(force)

    def compute_action(self, actions):
        if actions == 0:
            incr = self.incr
            incr = -self.incr

        return incr

    def apply_action(self, incr):

Next, the required part is to define the startCmd function, which is used by SofaGym as a link between Gym and SOFA to execute the actions as SOFA commands in the simulation. The ApplyAction class we defined is used here.

Two helper functions can be defined first. The action_to_command function returns the value of the action using compute_action. The startCmd_CartPole function is used to call the SOFA AnimationManager to execute the necessary command in the simulation based on the chosen action. By defining these two functions, it is simple to define the startCmd function to get the needed command and apply it to the simulation.

def action_to_command(actions, root, nb_step):
    """Link between Gym action (int) and SOFA command (displacement of cables).

        action: int
            The number of the action (Gym).
            The root of the scene.

        The command.

    incr = root.ApplyAction.compute_action(actions)
    return incr

def startCmd(root, actions, duration):
    """Initialize the command from root and action.

        rootNode: <Sofa.Core>
            The scene.
        action: int
            The action.
        duration: float
            Duration of the animation.


    incr = action_to_command(actions, root, duration/root.dt.value + 1)
    startCmd_CartPole(root, incr, duration)

def startCmd_CartPole(rootNode, incr, duration):
    """Initialize the command.

        rootNode: <Sofa.Core>
            The scene.
            The elements of the command.
        duration: float
            Duration of the animation.


    # Definition of the elements of the animation
    def executeAnimation(rootNode, incr, factor):

    # Add animation in the scene
            params={"rootNode": rootNode,
                    "incr": incr},
            duration=duration, mode="once"))


For the reward, we define a RewardShaper class to inherit from Sofa.Core.Controller to update the reward value at each simulation step. In the initialization, we can define some parameters based on the scene configs, such as the pole length (pole_length) and the maximum angle (max_angle) the pole is allowed to tilt.

Depending on the scene, some helper methods could be defined to get or calculate different values. For the CartPole scene, we need to get the pole's x and y positions and the cart's x position. We also need to calculate the pole's angle and angular velocity. Finally, the getReward method uses these helper methods to calculate and return the reward, as well as, the necessary states to determine whether or not a termination condition happened. Since the reward is 1 for each step the pole stays within the max angle limit, we simply return 1 as the reward, in addition to the current pole angle and the max allowed angle.

An update method is also required to initialize the reward to specific values at each episode reset. In this case, it is not needed.

class RewardShaper(Sofa.Core.Controller):
    """Compute the reward.

        __init__: Initialization of all arguments.
        getReward: Compute the reward.
        update: Initialize the value of cost.

        rootNode: <Sofa.Core>
            The scene.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Initialization of all arguments.

            kwargs: Dictionary
                Initialization of the arguments.


        Sofa.Core.Controller.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.rootNode = None
        if kwargs["rootNode"]:
            self.rootNode = kwargs["rootNode"]
        if kwargs["max_angle"]:
            self.max_angle = kwargs["max_angle"]
        if kwargs["pole_length"]:
            self.pole_length = kwargs["pole_length"]
            print(">> ERROR: give a max angle for the normalization of the reward.")

        self.cart = self.rootNode.Modeling.Cart
        self.pole = self.rootNode.Modeling.Pole

    def getReward(self):
        """Compute the reward.


            The reward and the cost.

        #dist = abs(pole_x_pos - cart_pos)

        cart_pos = self._getCartPos()
        pole_theta, pole_theta_dot = self.calculatePoleTheta(cart_pos)
        return 1, pole_theta, self.max_angle

    def update(self):
        """Update function.

        This function is used as an initialization function.




    def _getPolePos(self):
        pos = self.pole.MechanicalObject.position.value.tolist()[0]
        return pos[0], pos[1]

    def _getCartPos(self):
        pos = self.cart.MechanicalObject.position.value.tolist()[0][0]
        return pos
    def calculatePoleTheta(self, cart_pos):
        x_pos, y_pos = self._getPolePos()
        sin_theta = (y_pos/self.pole_length)
        theta = abs((90*math.pi/180) - math.asin(sin_theta))
        if x_pos < cart_pos:
            theta = -theta

        theta_dot = self.pole.MechanicalObject.velocity.value.tolist()[0][5]
        return theta, theta_dot

The getReward function must be defined to be used by SofaGym to calculate the reward value and done state and return them by Gym at each step. We simply use the RewardShaper class we just defined to get the reward and check if the episode is done based on the termination condition. For the CartPole, the episode ends when the pole angle theta exceeds the allowed limit (24 degrees as defined in the environment's config) in the left or right direction.

def getReward(rootNode):
    reward, theta, max_angle = rootNode.Reward.getReward()
    done = (theta > max_angle) or (theta < -max_angle)

    return done, reward


After applying the action to the simulation scene and calculating the returned reward, the new state of the environment must also be returned. To do this, it is required to define a getState function to get and calculate the new state and return it. As discussed in Step 1, the CartPole environment's state at each step consists of 4 values of the cart's x position and velocity, and the pole's angle and angular velocity. We can simply get the cart's state from the SOFA scene cart object, and we can use the method we previously defined in the Reward class to get the pole's state.

def getState(rootNode):
    """Compute the state of the environment/agent.

        rootNode: <Sofa.Core>
            The scene.

        State: list of float
            The state of the environment/agent.
    cart = rootNode.Modeling.Cart
    pole = rootNode.Modeling.Pole

    cart_pos = cart.MechanicalObject.position.value.tolist()[0][0]
    cart_vel = cart.MechanicalObject.velocity.value.tolist()[0][0]

    pole_theta, pole_theta_dot = rootNode.Reward.calculatePoleTheta(cart_pos)

    state = [cart_pos, cart_vel, pole_theta, pole_theta_dot]

    return state

The second required part is to define two functions: getPos and setPos to retrieve the cart and pole positions at the beginning of each step and update them at the end of the step with the new state. These two functions are mainly needed for the rendering part.

def getPos(root):
    cart_pos = root.Modeling.Cart.MechanicalObject.position.value[:].tolist()
    pole_pos = root.Modeling.Pole.MechanicalObject.position.value[:].tolist()
    return [cart_pos, pole_pos]

def setPos(root, pos):
    cart_pos, pole_pos = pos
    root.Modeling.Cart.MechanicalObject.position.value = np.array(cart_pos)
    root.Modeling.Pole.MechanicalObject.position.value = np.array(pole_pos)


This step is only feasible for environments or scenes where a goal is defined, such as a target position that a robot needs to reach. The GoalSetter class can then be used to initialize the goal in the scene and update it at each episode or randomly change it for example.

Since the CartPole scene doesn't require this, no modifications to the goal class are needed.

class GoalSetter(Sofa.Core.Controller):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Sofa.Core.Controller.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def update(self):

    def set_mo_pos(self, goal):

Step 3: Modify the Scene

The next step is to modify the scene to include the components we defined in the toolbox in the previous step. We need to modify the CartPoleScene file.

In this step, we simply add objects of the three classes we defined to the root node of the scene with the required parameters: ApplyAction, RewardShaper, and GoalSetter.

# SofaGym Env Components
root.addObject(RewardShaper(name="Reward", rootNode=root, max_angle=config['max_angle'], pole_length=pole_length))


root.addObject(ApplyAction(name="ApplyAction", root=root))

It is also important to make sure that the scene includes the component that will be modified by the Gym action. In this case, the constantForceField component on the cart.

# Force
cart.addObject('ConstantForceField', name="CartForce", totalForce=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

Finally, if a goal is defined, the goal should also be added to the scene as a MechanicalObject.

Step 4: Register the New Environment in Gym

The final step is to register the new environment so that Gym can locate it and run it. To do this, we must modify the file. The id is the name that will be used to run the environment in gym gym.make('cartpole-v0'). The entry point is the environment class we created in step 1 CartPoleEnv.

from sofagym.envs.CartPole.CartPoleEnv import *

To use the new environment with the test and training scripts in SofaGym, the environment id must be added to the environments' dictionaries in the respective files.


name = {
        14: 'cartpole-v0'       #new CartPole env


envs = {
        1: 'bubblemotion-v0',
        2: 'cartstem-v0',
        3: 'cartstemcontact-v0',
        4: 'catchtheobject-v0',
        5: 'concentrictuberobot-v0',
        6: 'diamondrobot-v0',
        7: 'gripper-v0',
        8: 'maze-v0',
        9: 'multigaitrobot-v0',
        10: 'simple_maze-v0',
        11: 'stempendulum-v0',
        12: 'trunk-v0',
        13: 'trunkcup-v0',
        14: 'cartpole-v0'       #new CartPole env

Step 5: Train and Evaluate an RL Agent for the New Environment

To train the RL agent, the script could be used. Some training parameters can be specified using command line arguments: -a for the RL algorithm, -fr to choose the framework either Stable Baselines3 or rlberry, -ep to specify the number of training epochs, and -ne to specify the number of training environments.

Training hyperparameters specific to the chosen algorithm and framework can be defined in the appropriate hyperparameters YAML file.

To train this agent, we will be using the tuned hyperparameters for the CartPole-v1 environment from Rl Baselines3 Zoo, and we will train the agent for 3 epochs, which is 300000 total timesteps of training.

python -e cartpole-v0 -a PPO -fr SB3 -ep 3 -ne 8

To evaluate our trained agent, we also use the script, but instead of training, we choose to test the agent by setting the training argument -tr to none and adding the testing flag argument -te. The number of evaluation episodes is set to 5 using the number of testing episodes argument -tn. We also need to specify the path of the saved model to be evaluated -md, which should be in the working directory with the following format "Results/env_name/algo_name/model_name".

python -e cartpole-v0 -a PPO -fr SB3 -tr none -te -tn 5 -md Results/cartpole-v0/PPO/model_name

The results of the evaluation could be recorded as a video such as the following one:

Trained Agent