Axial Aggregator is a fork of YY Aggregator and shares the same architecture.
Dex aggregator for Avalanche. Use at your own risk.
The Avalanche C-Chain is saturated with 10+ exchanges competing ~200M of liquidity. This creates the following issues for traders:
- Split liquidity: Traders are more likely to get affected by price impact and negative slippage since liquidity is split across many exchanges.
- Disconnected assets: Traders need to approve and swap on multiple platforms to swap between certain assets in the Avalanche ecosystem.
- No simple way to determine best price for swap: With all the options there is no clear way of knowing which exchange will offer the best price for a particular trade.
Axial Aggregator solves these problems by finding and executing the most profitable trades for users. The Axial Aggregator works by finding the best path between two tokens using Axial pools, if a path is not found non Axial pools will be used.
- Multi-path trades (e.g. Pangolin > Gondola > Zero)
- Gas-cost considerations
- Easy to build on top of
AxialAggregator is the user-facing interface to check prices and make trades.
Name | Address |
AxialAggregator | 0x05F2F176b491ec11555cbE45B99748F999E13933 |
Query AxialAggregator for the best trade execution.
- findBestPathParams[Array]: Array of parameters used for querying aggregator
- amountIn[BigNumber]: Amount of tokens being sold
- tokenIn[String]: ERC20 token being sold (pass WAVAX address for AVAX)
- tokenOut[String]: ERC20 token being bought (pass WAVAX address for AVAX)
- steps[BigNumber]: Number of steps within which best path will be searched (max is 4)
- gasPrice[BigNumber]: Gas price in gwei (should be 225 GWEI now, but is planned be dynamic in the future)
Swap AxialAggregator to execute a trade.
- trade[Array]: Array of parameters used for swapping
- amountIn[BigNumber]: Amount of tokens being sold
- amountOut[BigNumber]: Minimum amount of tokens bought
- path[Array]: Tokens being traded (in respective order)
- adapters[Array]: Adapters through which tokens will be traded (in respective order)
- to[String]: Address where output tokens should be sent to
- fee[BigNumber]: Optional fee in bps taken before the trades
- useInternalRouter[bool]: Flag to determine whether or not internal router should be used
aggregator.swap(trade, to, fee, useInternalRouter)
AxialRouters encapsulate the logic required to query groups of adapters for the best price & allow swaps to be executed. Axial Aggregator has two routers, one for Axial owned pools and another for external pools
Name | Address |
AxialRouter(Internal) | 0x08c28A3670f5821F6B2D763437816b67010f53D4 |
AxialRouter(External) | 0x547730f642913E50ad8B2Db2dE9F3479E8015BC1 |
Adapters act as a common interface for AxialRouter to interact with external contracts.
Adapters must offer methods: query
and swap
Name | Address |
BaguetteYakAdapterV0 | 0x5BaCF41D5D6B16183c2B980BcE0FbbE5ea125d2F |
BridgeMigrationAdapterV0 | 0xd311F964Dd5bb5ecBd971592E845b0fb74c98b39 |
BytesManipulationV0 | 0xdd892a0b5Bcfd435489e31D8e2ec9C9B83f85977 |
CanaryYakAdapterV0 | 0x2BC16C1D9A5E6af362277ED424130cC6b2DDe2D9 |
ComplusAdapterV0 | 0x273FcA9cd4C4873EFC303b0b61b5E5CB35CD9A70 |
ElkYakAdapterV0 | 0xb2e51D2E2B85DbbE8C758C753b5BdA3f86Af05E4 |
GondolaUSDTeDAIeYakAdapterV0 | 0xA5e0B490be8A2f8281e09d5920953c65e803a1DC |
GondolaUSDTeTSDAdapterV0 | 0x4884E64D9Ae8e00e9Da80f0B7791c998ac8828B7 |
GondolaUSDTeUSDCeAdapterV0 | 0x2296706d53e6522942E8714Bdbc2e50625C5d4D4 |
GondolaYAKmYAKAdapterV0 | 0x10EF2400d1a7f64017e80669B218f30ca9816e22 |
LydiaYakAdapterV0 | 0x1276350e5855B2BCD089722a678C7D16f3ab5923 |
MiniYakAdapterV0 | 0xC3BEe4623A7aE76Ca0805078e98069DEbF79E826 |
OliveYakAdapterV0 | 0x6E73F353e4AE3E5005daaD619F22D7C7B790c4f3 |
PandaYakAdapterV0 | 0x4E5a8D1EB5250c766AD55eE18314a76Fcb92A867 |
PangolinYakAdapterV0 | 0x3614657EDc3cb90BA420E5f4F61679777e4974E3 |
PartyswapAdapterV0 | 0xFE6BB940bE3F8e42ece2382EBb0A1Ea21eb1420d |
SnobF3YakAdapterV0 | 0x592E3D359E4A8Ed5f08f38806B1b7f70AA3DB4F2 |
SnobS3YakAdapterV0 | 0x87E6989A7AB5C707608Fd6773Fe32413871F4C8e |
SnobS4YakAdapterV0 | 0x599610cf20379B5D21A4A3Ea84CB76E0F2a5f70f |
SushiYakAdapterV0 | 0x3f314530a4964acCA1f20dad2D35275C23Ed7F5d |
SynapseAdapterV0 | 0x364FD64a98bD60aA798Ea8c61bb30d404102E900 |
TraderJoeYakAdapterV0 | 0xDB66686Ac8bEA67400CF9E5DD6c8849575B90148 |
AxialRouterV0 | 0xC4729E56b831d74bBc18797e0e17A295fA77488c |
YetiYakAdapterV0 | 0x9a76D67e67aE285856846C2Fa080adEcE60CfC9A |
ZeroYakAdapterV0 | 0x0EF5922f909374ccd7841a81F44ab109648b7ba5 |
npm i -D
cp .env.sample > .env
is Avalanche C-Chain RPC provider that will be used for the tests [ testing ]AVALANCHE_DEPLOY_RPC
is Avalanche C-Chain RPC provider that will be used deployment [ deployment ]PK_DEPLOYER
is private-key for the account that will deploy contracts [ deployment ]
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat deploy --network {your network}
This project is in alpha stage and is unaudited. Use at your own risk. Report bugs to Telegram admins
Project is licensed under GPL-3, although some parts of it might be less restrictive. Copyright© 2021 Yield Yak