Caden Dennis 1810 Final Project:
My Final Project will be a combination Final with my 1410 class where in I shall create a multiplayer game(s). My Primary game will be an extremely interactive version of Battleship with variable attack patterns, Audio, and an admin overview where specators are able to see a version of the game where all game information is properly portrayed to the specator. I had chosen this topic after some deliberation where in I was debating with a number of options such as Monopoly, Stratigo, Chess and a few others. I have decided to bring this project over to 1810 for the sake of allowing myself to place exceptional focus on the Visual, Audio, and Responsive elements. While pulling a number of things from C# to make the game program function my goal is to build the website and design in Javascript, CSS, and HTML so that I have a non-blazor looking website. Blazor being the chosen Appearance for the CS 1410 version of the Project.
Otherwise my choice in this topic lies in a few elements,
- HTML/CSS/Javascript heavy version for the website of my Multiplayer Game
- Running Audio that doesn't require user interaction
- creating an interconnected web of Sites that allow for me to access any games that are available inside my C# api.
- Establish Repo
- Create Links between the number of websites (HTML)
- Render the Basic Element spaces for the Game Elements (HTML & CSS)
- Begin Sourcing the Game Visual Elements (HTML & CSS)
- Create UI for Game (HTML & CSS)
- Finish Collecting/Making Game Elements (JavaScript & HTML)
- Port C# API for Game Code (Javascript Mastery & Back-end API)
- Finishing Touches (HTML CSS JavaScript)