Atlas-of-Learning (Part-II ) - Developing the Dep-Map-Application
The term base used for Sqlite3 Db is been extracted and developed at the repository mentioned below: Refer :
refer requirements.txt file.
python 3.7.3 or higher with pip
Whatever you prefer to manage your python dependencies VirtualEnv, Pipenv, Conda or anything that alllows you to use pip install We are using SQLite3 This is to be run on Anaconda Promt preinstallation required-
pip install django python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
Latest version of pip, pillow , crispy-forms before running the project
pip install pillow pip install django-crispy-forms
Create your virtual enviroment for this I will use Conda
conda create --name surveyenv pip python=3.7
Activate your virtual environment
activate surveyenv
With your virtual environment active navigate to the root of the project where the and requirements.txt files are located and execute:
For sqllite3
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: You must run the following commands from the root of your project
Running the project Note: For the following commands you must have already configured your database settings and make sure you have your virtual environment activated. You must also be located on the root of the project
Run migrations
python migrate
Create super user
python createsuperuser
Run the server
python runserver You should now be able to navigate to and start answering some questions as the migrations contains initial data or go to and enter your superuser data to check the answers or add more questions
Have fun 🎉