Hello, welcome to my humblest dotfiles repository. Here you can find my configuration files for Linux, using bspwm window manager.
Feel free to create an issue if I forgot to add something.
And sure you can modify it.
- OS: Arch Linux
- WM: Bspwm
- Terminal: Kitty
- Shell: Fish
- Bar: Polybar
- Fonts: UbuntuMono Nerd Font and Roboto
- Icons: Feather and Font Awesome 5 Free
- Browser: Firefox
- File Manager: Dolphin
- GTK: Fluent Pink
- QT: Fluent Pink
- Editor: Code and Neovim
- Email: Mailspring
- Widgets: Eww design based on ModernFlyouts
- Launcher: Rofi
- Notidications: Dunst with scripts for a rofi based notification center. Credits
- Compositor: Compositor: Jonaburg's fork of Picom
- Lock Screen: LightDM
- Colorscheme: Lotus