This is a little hobbie electronics project I threw together and forms part of the Java SimConsole and GearIndicator on my GitHub page.
Using the DFRobot 8 Character 7 Segment SPI Module and 2x NeoPixel Stick - 8x RGB LED and an Arduino Uno, this device acts as a HUD for displaying the current car revs, speed, etc. To reduce current required, the 8 character 7 segement is multiplex to only allow 1 LED per character to display at once.
eg: 1|10
sets brightness to 10
eg: 2|4=255,0,0
sets pixel at index 2 to the colour red
eg: 3|49155
which will display the 2 outside pixels on either side as 49155 = 1100000000000011
eg: 4|hellowor
will display hellowor
on the LED display
eg: 5|3
will set the gear indicator to display 3
Prototyping some ideas
First iteration
Updated for a better location