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Vladimir edited this page May 15, 2014 · 1 revision

If somebody wants to help me with plugin development – PM me and i’ll add you in GitHub =)


  • AntiSpeedhack – tellsabout\kicks\bans players who have speed bigger then ChatDistance\KickDistance\Bandistance
  • Whitelist
  • /voteban NAME
  • New Join\Leave messages system – now it doesn’t flood if player was banned and trying to connect (in Rust++.cfg join_notice and leave_notice must be false)
  • AntiAim – bans player if he made ShotsCount from distance bigger then ShotMaxDistance in a row
  • Bans players who made kill from distance bigger then MaxKillDistance….or bigger then maximum weapon’s range
  • DeathMessage – just Death message =)
  • NameRestriction – doesn’t allow players with illegal characters\names to log in
  • Don’t allow to connect players who are using shared RUST client or players who have any VAC ban.
  • You can set how many seconds should players wait before connecting to your server after disconnect

Warning: If your server has lags – increase numbers, otherwise you will see many kicks

“/banip NAME” – ban NAME by IP and SteamID
“/whitelist SteamID” or “/whitelist IP” or “/whitelist Name” you can whitelist players
“/voteban NAME” – to start voting for NAME’s ban

Join – post message when player joins server (in Rust++.cfg join_notice must be false)
Leave – post message when player leaves server (in Rust++.cfg leave_notice must be false)
Death – post message when player kills smb
Enable – 1\0 enable or disable feature
BindNameToSteamID – 1\0 bind names to SteamID (“Skippi” = “skippi” = “skiPPi”, etc)
BindOnlyAdmins – 1\0 bind only names which belongs to admins
MinLength – minimum nick’s length
MaxLength – maximum nick’s length
AllowedChars – what chars players can use in their nicknames
BannedNames – what names players cant use
MinOnline – how many players should be on server to start voting for ban
MinYesPercent – how many persents of “yes” should be to ban player
SecsToVote – how many seconds will be given for voting
APIKey – steam api key (pls get your own here
AllowShared – 1\0 allow to connect players with shared copy of RUST
AllowVACBanned – 1\0 allow to connect players with VAC ban\bans
AllowedVACBans – how many vac bans can user have to be allowed to connect.
MaximumDays – how many days should pass after last vac ban to allow player to connect (0 – dont count days)
MaxPing – maximum player’s (if bigger – kick)
SecondsToCheck – how often to check player’s ping
Cooldown – how many seconds should player wait after discobbect to be able to reconnect
EnabledForAdmins – if 1 admins will wait theese Cooldown seconds too
Timer – how often to check players (In seconds)
TempWork – if is set to 1 antispeedhack wil work for WorkMins every RestMins (This feature can fix crashes of plugin)
RestMins – how many minutes shoul plugin wait before reenabling antispeedhack check
WorkMins – how many minutes should antispeedhack check work
AdminCheck – 1\0 should admins be checked for cheats
Chat – 1\0 write into the chat or not
Kick – 1\0 kick or not
Ban – 1\0 ban or not (if player falls – his speed is veeery fast, so i dont advice you to enable it…or set BanDistance > 65)
Teleport – 1\0 if you use plugins like /home go, /tpa – turn it on, plugin will check if distance is bigger then TeleportDistance and if true – it will do nothing.
ChatDistance – speed after which plugin should write it into the chat
KickDistance – speed after which plugin should Kick
BanDistance – speed after which plugin should Ban
TeleportDistance – if player moved more then TeleportDistance meters for ~2sec then let plugin think that it was teleport plugin
HeadshotsOnly – 1\0 if 1 then count only headshots
ShotsCount – how many kills into same bodyparts can player do in a row (if he made ShotsCount – ban)
ShotMaxDistance – shots from what distance anticheat should count
MaxKillDistance – distance from which player should make kill to be instantly banned

Need to be tested:
GodMod cheat detection

“in developing”AntiFlyHack (in version 5.0)

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