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Sitecore JSS 16.0.0

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@illiakovalenko illiakovalenko released this 25 Feb 09:55
· 3590 commits to master since this release

Breaking changes

  • PR #485 [JSS CLI] Add --config argument to specify the path to scjssconfig.json file. resolveScJssConfig now accepts arguments as an object instead of using individual arguments.
  • PR #460 [sitecore-jss-react] Fix return type of ComponentFactory to allow a component definition instead of an instantiated component. ComponentFactory returns ComponentType | null instead of Component.
  • PR #459 [sitecore-jss-react] Change propType of missingComponentComponent from React.SFC (deprecated) to React.FC.
  • PR #538 [sitecore-jss-react] Change propType of errorComponent from React.SFC (deprecated) to React.FC.
  • PR #517 [packages/samples] Migrate TSLint (deprecated) to ESLint.

New Features & Improvements

  • Documentation Add support for Next.js framework. 🎉🎉🎉
  • Commit [sitecore-jss] Add RestDictionaryService to fetch dictionary data using the Sitecore Dictionary Service REST API, and RestLayoutService to fetch layout data using the Sitecore Layout Service REST API.
  • PR #511 [sitecore-jss] Add AxiosDataFetcher to provide a default data fetcher implementation which can be used in sample apps.
  • PR #530 [sitecore-jss] Add GraphQLRequestClient to provide the ability to execute GraphQL queries.
  • PR #525 [sitecore-jss-react] Enable SitecoreContext to support TypeScript generics.
  • PR #508 [sitecore-jss-react] Add the useSitecoreContext hook.
  • PR #542 Add environment variable support via an .env file to the CLI.

Bug Fixes

  • PR #548 [sitecore-jss-dev-tools] jss deploy doesn't exit on success.
  • PR #541 [sitecore-jss-dev-tools][sitecore-jss-cli] Replace old and security vulnerable request and axios NPM packages with latest version of axios (>=0.21.1).
  • PR #506 [React sample] Cannot read property 'sitecore' of null, when 404 and routeData is null.
  • PR #575 [sitecore-jss-react] Specifying a custom error component via the Placeholder's errorComponent prop caused an "Invalid prop" error.
  • PR #477 [sitecore-jss-proxy] Prevent passing 'qs' as 'undefined' in rewriteRequestPath.
  • PR #459 [sitecore-jss-react] Fix propType of missingComponentComponent, resolving an issue with custom "Missing Component" components not working.
  • PR #538 [sitecore-jss-react] Fix propType of errorComponent, resolving an issue with custom "Error" components not working.
  • PR #521 [packages/samples] Upgrade react, react-dom.