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SinisterRectus edited this page Nov 16, 2019 · 6 revisions

extends Container

Defines the base methods and/or properties for classes that represent a user's current presence information. Note that any method or property that exists for the User class is also available in the UserPresence class and its subclasses.

This is an abstract base class. Direct instances should never exist.

Properties Inherited From Container

Name Type Description
client Client A shortcut to the client object to which this container is visible.
parent Container/Client The parent object of to which this container is a child. For example, the parent of a role is the guild in which the role exists.


Name Type Description
activity Activity/nil The Activity that this presence represents.
desktopStatus string The user's desktop status (online, dnd, idle, offline).
mobileStatus string The user's mobile status (online, dnd, idle, offline).
status string The user's overall status (online, dnd, idle, offline).
user User The user that this presence represents.
webStatus string The user's web status (online, dnd, idle, offline).

Methods Inherited From Container


Defines the behavior of the == operator. Allows containers to be directly compared according to their type and __hash return values.

Returns: boolean


Defines the behavior of the tostring function. All containers follow the format ClassName: hash.

Returns: string




Returns: string

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