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Properties Inherited From Channel

Name Type Mutable Description
isPrivate boolean Whether the channel is private
type string The channel type (text or voice)

Properties Inherited From Container

Name Type Mutable Description
client Client Client object to which the Discord object is known
parent * Parent Discord object

Properties Inherited From GuildChannel

Name Type Mutable Description
guild Guild The guild in which the channel exists
invites function Returns an iterator for the channel's invites (not cached)
name string X The name of the guild channel
permissionOverwriteCount number How many permission overwrites are cached for this channel
permissionOverwrites function Iterator for cached permission overwrites
position number X The position of the channel in the guild's list of channels

Properties Inherited From Snowflake

Name Type Mutable Description
createdAt number Unix time in seconds at which the object was created by Discord
id string Snowflake ID for the object

Properties Inherited From TextChannel

Name Type Mutable Description
messageCount number How many messages are cached for the channel
messages function Iterator for the cached messages in the channel
pinnedMessages function Iterator for all of the pinned messages in the channel

Class Properties

Name Type Mutable Description
mentionString string Raw string that is parsed by Discord into a user mention
topic string X The channel topic (at the top of the channel in the Discord client)

Methods Inherited From Channel

Prototype Description
delete() Deletes the channel. This cannot be undone for guild channels!

Methods Inherited From GuildChannel

Prototype Description
createInvite(maxAge, maxUses, temporary, unique) Creates and returns an invite to the channel for users to join.
findPermissionOverwrite(predicate) Returns the first cached PermissionOverwrite that satisfies a predicate.
findPermissionOverwrites(predicate) Returns an iterator for all cached PermissionOverwrites that satisfy a predicate.
getPermissionOverwrite([key,] value) Returns the first cached PermissionOverwrite that matches the (key, value) pair.
getPermissionOverwriteFor(object) Returns a PermissionOverwrite for the provided Role or Member object.
getPermissionOverwrites(key, value) Returns all cached PermissionOverwrite that match the (key, value) pair.

Methods Inherited From TextChannel

Prototype Description
broadcastTyping() Causes the 'User is typing...' indicator to show in the channel.
bulkDelete(messages) Permanently deletes a table, cache, or deque of messages from the channel.
findMessage(predicate) Returns the first cached message that satisfies a predicate.
findMessages(predicate) Returns all cached messages that satisfy a predicate.
getMessage([key,] value]) Returns the first cached message that matches the (key, value) pair.
getMessageHistory([limit]) Returns an iterator for the most recent messages in the channel.
getMessageHistoryAfter(message[, limit]) Returns an iterator for the messages after a specific message.
getMessageHistoryAround(message[, limit]) Returns an iterator for the messages around a specific message.
getMessageHistoryBefore(message[, limit]) Returns an iterator for the messages before a specific message.
getMessages(key, value) Returns an iterator for all cached messages that match the (key, value) pair
loadMessages([limit]) Downloads 1 to 100 (default: 50) of the channel's most recent messages into the channel cache.
sendMessage(content[, mentions, tts, nonce]) Sends a message to the channel.
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