Example Output:
Dataset: {
products: [
name: 'Max Clean',
category: 'Toothbrush',
brand: 'Nike',
color: 'Red',
price: 18.5,
quantity: 15
name: 'Big comfort',
category: 'Swimming Trunks',
brand: 'Adidas',
color: 'Brown',
price: 11,
quantity: 2
address: {
country: 'America',
state: 'WA',
number: 15,
street: 'Maple Avenue'
name: { firstName: 'Bob', lastName: 'Jones' }
Ruleset to Check: {
orRules: [ { path: 'products[*].brand', values: [ 'Nike' ] } ],
andRules: [ { path: 'name.firstName', values: [ 'Bob' ] } ]
Is Filtered: true
Ruleset to Check: {
orRules: [
{ path: 'products[*].color', values: [ 'Red', 'Green' ] },
{ path: 'products[*].category', values: [ 'Swimming Trunks' ] }
andRules: [
{ path: 'address.country', values: [ 'America' ] },
{ path: 'address.state', values: [ 'WA' ] }
Is Filtered: true
Ruleset to Check: {
orRules: [ { path: 'products[*].price', values: [ 18.5 ] } ]
Is Filtered: true
Ruleset to Check: {
orRules: [ { path: 'otherThings.name', values: [ 16 ] } ]
Is Filtered: false