Learnify.AI is a web application for students to visualize their notes as a knowledge graph and helps to revise topics based on the amount of study time available for a given course.
Features Overivew
- Helps to extract keywords from lectures
- Summarizes each of the extracted keywords
- Generates a knowledge graph for the keywords
- Given study duration, provides suggestions on important topics to study in the duration.
- Visualization of the connections between topics in a lecture helps to understand the concept better and increases the retention.
- Given the amount of time to study, learnify.ai provides the most important topics that could be learned in the given time and this helps in better time management during revision.
For more detailed information about view the project report.
Clone the project
Create a conda environment and activate the environment
conda create --name env python=3.6.12
conda activate env
Install the required dependecies and packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install
Start the FLASK backend
cd server/
python app.py
Start the Frontend
cd client/
npm start