Built an online trading website where users can user can buy and sell unlisted shares of a company. It is built using React as frontend, NodeJS as backend and Mongodb as Database.
- Added admin functionality through which admin can do all CRUD operations on the company like update buy and sell price, update Aboutus, upload (shareholding, balancesheets, profitandloss, Annual Reports, company logo) , Delete Company
- Integrated WhatsApp Api to send auto text messages from Webapp which helps in connecting cutomers and admin.
- users can post content related to trading, can like/dislike other users post, can delete post.
- State management is done using Redux and Redux Persist is used to persist the app's state like user login ,company details, posts.
- User authentication is done using JWT tokens.
- Schema Validation is done Using Joi.
- Nodemailer is used for Sending Email Verification Email.
- Multer is used for handling multipart/form-data.
- React
- Javascript
- Mongodb
- Html & Css
- Bootstrap
- React-Router
- Joi
- NodeMailer
- Multer