This repo hosts the API gateway for filebox
- CLI tool --> .../Shulammite-Aso/filebox
- Authentication service --> .../Shulammite-Aso/filebox-auth-service
- Filebox service (the main "box" logic) --> .../Shulammite-Aso/filebox-service
- Email service --> .../Shulammite-Aso/filebox-email-service
Filebox is a cloud file sharing application hosted on kubernetes. It's an original project of mine, where i put to use some of the principles and technologies for building a truly cloud-native application. The rest of the readme will provide details about the architectural design, user actions, Flow, and technologies used.
Built on the microservices architecture and consist of three services, an api gateway and a CLI tool.
Users can:
- Create an account which gives them access to a box
- Login to their account
- Send files to their own box
- Send files to the box of another user whose username they have
- Delete a file from their box
- Replace an existing file with new content
- Pull a file from their box
- Get a list of all files in their box (returns only file names)
Users cannot:
- Interact with the files of another user (can only send)
- Send a file to another users box if a file with such name already exists, they're asked to change the name
The longest request journey happens when you send a file to the box of another user. It represents a complete journey through all the components, it goes this way:
- Login or register from the CLI tool to get authorization token
- Choose to send file to another user
- provide filepath and username of reciever
- POST request is made to the API gateway with authentication as bearer and request body containing, filename, file content as bytes, and receiver username
- The API gateway calls the auth service to authorize the sending user using a middleware
- A second middleware verifies that the receiving user exists and retrieves their email
- The API gateway fowards the request to the filebox-service (containing the box logic), including the email that was retrieved into the request body in addition to the ones that came from the CLI tool
- The file is uploaded and the metadata stored in the receivers box
- Filebox-service makes request to the email service with receivers email, file name and name of sending user
- Email is sent to receiver informing them of the new file in their box and from whom it came.
- Go
- gRPC
- Postgresql
- MongoDB
- Docker
- Kubernetes
Sample files to start with can be found in the sample_files
The services are running on gcp, if I'm not out of credit and everything works fine on my cluster, then the application would work just fine.