This is a Contour identification and 3D reconstruction - based electronic speckle skeleton line extraction procedures The main package and version of the python environment are as follows
# Name Version
matlab 2022a
The above environment is successful when running the code of the project. In addition, it is well known that pytorch has very good compatibility (version>=1.0). Thus, I suggest you try to use the existing matlab environment firstly.
Runninggit clone
The project structure and intention are as follows :
3D_reconstruction # Source code
├── dfs.m # depth-first algorithm
├── input # dataset
│ ├── fai_2_noise_nn10.png
│ ├── fai_5_noise_nn10.png
│ ├── fai_16_noise_nn10.pngy
│ ├── ... #
├── getdata.m #Transform 2d matrices into 3D coordinates
├── ginput_espi.m #Skeleton line parameters are determined
├── main.m # main function
├── Reconstruct3D.m #Three dimensional reconstruction of skeleton line based on logo
├── skeleton_line_repair.m # For the broken skeleton line repair after binarizatio
└── Skeleton_Line_indentify.m # Skeleton line identification algorithm
Part of the test diagram is shown here