Python script to disable ASLR and/or DEP on PE file
# -a is to disable ASLR
# -d is to disable DEP
python -f <path_to_exe> -a -d -o <path_to_outfile>
You can also get help with -h but it is in French.
python -h
usage: [-h] -f FILE -o OUTFILE [-a] [-d]
Désactiver l'ASLR et/ou le DEP dans un fichier PE.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE Chemin vers le fichier PE
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
Chemin vers le fichier de sortie (fichier créé)
-a, --disable_aslr Désactiver l'ASLR
-d, --disable_dep Désactiver le DEP
A huge thanks to MastMind, this script is inspired of a part of his PE-Infector project.