Currently supports windows and mac.
I mostly use it as a template for my projects. I have included the GUI library(ImGUI), which I use if needed.
There are a lot of sample project codes, I have worked upon in assets\codeSample.
If you want to compile yourself then I have added the makefile, so you can run the "make" command with proper header files included. (There can be issues during compiling older projects as I have changed the project structure a few times). For windows dependencies are present within the project, just need to have mingw. For mac, you need to install the dependencies 'brew install [email protected] [email protected]'. Then final executable will be present in bin folder. You can clean the object files and the executable later with 'make clean'. Sorry for a clumsy readme.
Showcase of some of those examples I have worked upon :
Procedural Terrain generation with Perlin Noise and Fractal Brownian Motion (OpenGL) :
Implementation of the Blinn Phong Reflection Model (OpenGL) :
Simulation of the 1D Heat Equation (SDL2 only) :
John Conway's Game of Life (SDL2 only) :
Box Blur Algorithm for trail effect (SDL2 only) :
Particles Explosion Effect (SDL2 only) :