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Lots of Android utils every project should have

Quick start

Add jcenter to your project's gradle file

allprojects {
    repositories {


compile 'com.github.shahar2k5:androidutils:1.0.1'




A few examples on how to use the library

        int sizeInPixels = SizeUtils.dpToPx(this, 20);
        boolean hasNetwork = NetworkUtils.isNetworkAvailable(this);
        ViewUtils.listViewScrollToBottom(listView, true);

        DialogUtils.showOkDialog(this, dialogTitle, dialogMessage, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {
                // do something when the OK button was clicked


  • Convert Date to string with long format -> formatDateLong
  • Check if the date is less than 7 days from now -> isLessThanOneWeek
  • Check if the specific date is today -> isToday
  • Is the specific date yesterday -> isYesterday
  • Check for a leap year -> isLeapYear
  • return date string from milliseconds -> millisecondsToString
  • create time in milliseconds from a formatted string -> stringToMilliseconds
  • create a date from formatted string -> stringToDate
  • Create a formatted date -> dateToString
  • Convert date object to milliseconds -> dateToMilliseconds
  • Convert milliseconds to date object -> millisecondsToDate
  • Convert milliseconds to specific time unit -> millisecondsToTimeUnit
  • Get current time in milliseconds -> getCurrentTimeMillis
  • Get current time in formatted string -> getCurrentTimeString
  • Get current time in date object -> getCurrentTimeDate
  • Calculate time interval from now -> getTimeIntervalFromNow
  • Calculate time interval between 2 dates -> getTimeIntervalBetweenDates
  • Show an Alert Dialog with one button -> showOneButtonsDialog
  • Show an Alert Dialog with two buttons -> showTwoButtonsDialog
  • Displays a dialog box with an OK button -> showOkDialog
  • Creates a dialog box with an OK button -> createOkDialog
  • Dismiss dialog safely -> dismissDialogSafely
  • Create MD5 String from string -> getMD5String
  • Create MD5 String with salt -> getMD5String
  • Create MD5 String from byte array -> getMD5String
  • Create MD5 String from byte array with salt -> getMD5String
  • Encrypt byte array -> encryptMD5
  • Create a MD5 String from file path -> getMD5File
  • Create a MD5 String from file -> getMD5File
  • Get SHA1 from String -> getSHA
  • Get SHA1 from byte array -> getSHA
  • Encrypt SHA1 -> encryptSHA
  • Convert bytes to Hex -> bytesToHex
  • Create a Bitmap from URI -> getBitmapFromUri
  • Get file system path from a URI -> getRealPathFromURI
  • Normalize a bitmap to 640px -> normalize
  • Normalize a bitmap to specific size -> normalize
  • Get image rotated by degree from metedata -> getImageRotatedByMetadata
  • Create a fullscreen image and punch a hole inside -> punchARoundedHoleInABitmap
  • Makes a call -> callNumber
  • Dial a number in the phone's keypad -> dialNumber
  • Open compose email activity -> openComposeEmailActivity
  • Open SMS activity to send SMS -> openSendSmsActivity
  • Create a WhatsApp share intent -> createWhatsAppShareIntent
  • Starts an Activity if it is exists -> startIntentIfPossible
  • Check if there is a valid Activity for the intent -> isActivityAvailableForIntent
  • Open the playstore page for the current app -> openPlayStoreAppPage
  • Check if a service is running -> isRunningService
  • Save a Bitmap to a local file -> saveBitmapToFile
  • Delete a selected directory recursively -> deleteDir
  • Create a directory if needed -> createParentDirIfNotExists
  • Get the index of an object -> indexOf
  • Create a Integer arrayList from String arrayList -> convertStringArrayToIntegerArray
  • Check if object is null and throw -> checkNotNull
  • Hide soft keyboard -> hideSoftKeyboard
  • Show soft keyboard -> showSoftKeyboard
  • Toggle soft keyboard state -> toggleKeyboradState
  • Check if there is an active network -> isNetworkAvailable
  • Get the network type -> getNetworkType
  • Toggle soft keyboard state -> toggleKeyboradState
  • Open the app settings to enable permissions -> openPermissionsSettings
  • Check if user denied permissions with the flag NEVER ASK AGAIN -> checkDeniedPermissionsNeverAskAgain
  • Load resource id by name -> getResIdFromString
  • Get screen width -> getScreenWidthInPx
  • Get screen height -> getScreenHeightInPx
  • ScreenSize -> getScreenSize
  • Set transparent status bar -> setTransparentStatusBar
  • Get status bar height -> getStatusBarHeight
  • Check if we have status bar -> hasStatusBar
  • Get the action bar height -> getActionBarHeight
  • Take a screenshot with the status bar -> takeScreenShotWithStatusBar
  • Take a screenshot without the status bar -> takeScreenShoteWithoutStatusBar
  • Check if the screen is locked -> isScreenLocked
  • Convert DP to PX -> dpToPx
  • Convert PX to DP -> pxToDp
  • Convert SP to PX -> spToPx
  • Convert PX to SP -> pxToSp
  • Checks if a String is whitespace, empty ("") or null. -> isBlank
  • Checks if a String is not empty (""), not null and not whitespace only. -> isNotBlank
  • Check if a string is empty -> isEmpty
  • Check if a string is NOT empty -> isNotEmpty
  • Capital only first letter -> capitalizeFirstLetter
  • Create a String from stacktrace -> exceptionStackTraceToString
  • Get initials from a string -> getInitialsFromString
  • Makes the thread sleep for some time -> threadSleep
  • Check if running on main thread -> checkUiThread
  • Check if an email is valid -> isValidEmail
  • Check if an IP Address is valid -> isValidIPAddress
  • Check if a url is valid -> isValidUrl
  • isNougatOrHigher
  • isMarshmallowOrHigher
  • isLollipopOrHigher
  • isKitKatOrHigher
  • isJellyBeanOrHigher
  • Set visibility to sibling views -> setSiblingsVisibility
  • Scroll listview to bottom -> listViewScrollToBottom
  • Create an underline text clickable -> makeUnderlinedTextClickable


Lots of Android utils every project should have







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