- Battery status (charging, normal, saving)
- Detects (like w10m):
- Focus Assist
- Location usage
- WiFi (expected to be partially broken)
- Cellular (+ dual sim) -> WIP, expected to be broken
- Tablet mode or Desktop mode (expected to be broken)
- It may bug explorer.exe, in that case open Task Manager, kill MobileShell, go in Desktop mode and launch MobileShell again.
- Double tap to sleep
- Click/touch the status bar to open the action center
- It's an alpha, expect some issues.
- Add Battery status
- Add Focus Assist
- Add Location
- Add WiFi
- Add Cellular icon (with basic behavior)
- Add Tablet/Desktop mode changes detection
- Finish Cellular icon/behavior implementation
- Fix WiFi icon behavior
- Fix Tablet/Desktop Mode padding
- Add support for rotation (basic)
- Add support for DPI changes
- Add support for resolution changes
- (Optional) Fix Tablet\Desktop mode changes behavior (this is kinda hard.)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details