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Sg4Dylan committed Jul 1, 2018
1 parent 1a6dc5b commit 54f3a5e
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Emiya Engine
# Version: Alpha.1 Rev.1
# Version: Alpha.3 Copyband aka DSEE HX
# Author: Sg4Dylan - <>
# Created: 02/26/2017
# Created: 07/01/2018
# 真正重要的東西,只用眼睛是看不見的,
# 只要蘊藏著想成為真物的意志,偽物就比真物還要來得真實

import math
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.signal as signal
import librosa
import resampy
import random
import multiprocessing

class EmiyaEngine:

# 输入参数
input_file_path = ''
input_sr = 0
input_signal_array = ''
# 中间处理参数
cpu_thread = 0
mid_signal_larray = ''
mid_signal_rarray = ''
mid_signal_carray = ''
# 各进程处理参数
proc_mid_sr_rate = 16
proc_fft_length = 2048
# 输出用参数
output_file_path = ''
output_sr = 0
split_size = 500
# 时域处理模式=Akko 频域处理=None

def __init__(self, input=None, output=None, output_sr=96000, split_size=500, cpu_thread=None):
# 导入参数
if not input or not output:
print("Missing parameters.")
# 读取 CPU 线程数
if not cpu_thread:
self.cpu_thread = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
self.input_file_path = input
self.output_file_path = output
self.output_sr = output_sr
self.split_size = split_size
# 初始化程序
# 启动处理

def init_engine(self):
# 将输入文件转为 numpy 数组
self.input_signal_array, self.input_sr = librosa.load(
self.input_file_path, sr=None, mono=False)
print("Load signal complete. ChannelCount: %s SampleRate: %s Hz" % (
str(len(self.input_signal_array)), str(self.input_sr)))
if self.mode == "Akko":
print("You are processing in AKKO mode.")

def process_leader(self):
# 左右声道
for channel_index in range(2):
# 生成进程池
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=self.cpu_thread)
# 初始化结果字典
raw_result_dict = {}
result_dict = {}
# SRC 预处理
pre_src_data = resampy.resample(self.input_signal_array[channel_index],
self.input_sr * self.proc_mid_sr_rate,
# 分割时间域
splited_input_signal = np.array_split(pre_src_data, self.cpu_thread)
for i in range(self.cpu_thread):
# 下发分片
raw_result_dict[i] = pool.apply_async(self.process_core, (splited_input_signal[i], i, ))
# raw_result_dict[i] = self.process_core(splited_input_signal[i], i)
# 拼合分片
temp_array = np.array([()])
# 理清顺序
for i in range(self.cpu_thread):
result_dict[raw_result_dict[i].get()[1]] = raw_result_dict[i].get()[0]
# result_dict[raw_result_dict[i][1]] = raw_result_dict[i][0]
# 追加分片
for i in range(self.cpu_thread):
temp_array = np.append(temp_array, result_dict[i])
print("Whole length: before -> %s after -> %s" % (len(pre_src_data), len(temp_array)))
# SRC 后处理
temp_src_array = resampy.resample(temp_array,
self.input_sr * self.proc_mid_sr_rate,
# temp_src_array = temp_array
# 合并到各声道
if channel_index == 0:
self.mid_signal_larray = temp_src_array
self.mid_signal_rarray = temp_src_array
# 拼合左右声道
self.mid_signal_carray = np.array([self.mid_signal_larray, self.mid_signal_rarray])
# 保存文件

def process_core(self, signal_piece, index):
# 总长及分割数目
this_whole_length = len(signal_piece)
this_div_count = round(this_whole_length/self.proc_fft_length)
# 输出数组
this_output = np.array([()])
# 输出临时数组
this_temp_block = np.array([()])
this_temp_count = 0
# 各分片运算
if self.mode == "Akko":
# 是否第一次执行
is_loop_once = True
# 前一次的数值
pre_value = 0
# 前一次操作的数值
pre_opt = 0
# Akko 系数: 直接影响频谱图的美观程度
sv_l = 0.02
sv_h = 0.55
# 实际操作
for i in range(this_whole_length):
# 构造抖动值
this_value = signal_piece[i]
linear_jitter = 0
if pre_value < this_value:
linear_jitter = random.uniform(this_value*-sv_l, this_value*sv_h)
linear_jitter = random.uniform(this_value*sv_h, this_value*-sv_l)
# 应用抖动
if pre_opt*linear_jitter > 0:
signal_piece[i] = this_value + linear_jitter
elif pre_opt*linear_jitter < 0:
signal_piece[i] = this_value - linear_jitter
# 第一次操作特殊化处理
if is_loop_once:
linear_jitter = random.uniform(this_value*-sv_h, this_value*sv_h)
signal_piece[i] = this_value + linear_jitter
is_loop_once = False
# 保存到上一次记录
pre_value = this_value
pre_opt = linear_jitter

this_output = signal_piece
for i in range(this_div_count):
# 起始点
this_start_pos = i * self.proc_fft_length
this_end_pos = i * self.proc_fft_length + self.proc_fft_length
# 当前分片
this_proc_piece = signal_piece[this_start_pos:this_end_pos]
# 待修正尾部指示及尾部补齐长度
this_suffix_flag = False
this_suffix_length = 0
# 真尾部指示
this_tail_flag = False
if i == (this_div_count - 1):
this_tail_flag = True
# 尾部判定
if len(this_proc_piece) != 2048:
this_suffix_flag = True
# 尾部补齐及长度记录
while len(this_proc_piece) != 2048:
this_proc_piece = np.append(this_proc_piece, [0])
this_suffix_length += 1
this_proc_piece_fft = np.fft.fft(this_proc_piece, self.proc_fft_length) / (self.proc_fft_length)
# 计算接续点及最大幅值
this_freq_thd, this_base_amp, this_threshold_point = self.find_threshold_point(this_proc_piece_fft*2)
# print("Max Amp -> %s Threshold point -> %s" % (this_base_freq, this_threshold_point))
# 加抖动
this_proc_piece_fft = self.generate_jitter(this_proc_piece_fft, this_freq_thd, this_base_amp, this_threshold_point)
this_proc_piece_ifft = np.fft.ifft(this_proc_piece_fft, n=self.proc_fft_length)
# 输出分片实部
this_proc_piece = this_proc_piece_ifft.real
# 计算最终输出长度 (尾部需要排除掉补零部分)
this_append_length = self.proc_fft_length
if this_suffix_flag:
this_append_length -= this_suffix_length
# 直接追加到目标输出返回数组
# this_output = np.append(this_output, this_proc_piece[0:this_append_length])
# 使用缓冲区再输出返回 (内存消耗和上边的方法差不多,但是能稍微抵消掉 numpy 对大数组拼接的问题)
this_temp_block = np.append(this_temp_block, this_proc_piece[0:this_append_length])
this_temp_count += 1
# 尾部判定追加
if this_temp_count > self.split_size or this_tail_flag:
this_output = np.append(this_output, this_temp_block)
this_temp_block = np.array([()])
this_temp_count = 0

return [this_output, index]

def find_threshold_point(self, input_fft):
# 鉴定频谱基本参数
amp_fft = abs(input_fft[range(self.proc_fft_length // 2)])
# Step0. 计算基波幅度及该幅度所在的位置
base_amp = amp_fft.max()
base_amp_freq = np.argmax(amp_fft)
# Step0.1. 计算次峰对应的位置
secondary_array = amp_fft
secondary_array[base_amp_freq] = 0
secondary_amp = secondary_array.max()
secondary_amp_freq = np.argmax(secondary_array) + 1
# Step1. 找出接续点的搜索范围
fft_resolution = (self.proc_mid_sr_rate * self.input_sr / 2) / (self.proc_fft_length / 2)
hit_start = base_amp_freq * 2
hit_end = int((self.input_sr / 2) / fft_resolution)
# Step1.1 计算保护阈值频率所在位置
freq_thd = secondary_amp_freq * 2
# Setp2. 找出接续点
threshold_hit = 8.0e-10
fin_threshold_point = 0
for hit_pos in range(hit_start, hit_end):
if hit_pos+6>1023:
if np.var(amp_fft[hit_pos:hit_pos+4]) < threshold_hit and \
np.var(amp_fft[hit_pos+1:hit_pos+5]) < threshold_hit and \
np.var(amp_fft[hit_pos+2:hit_pos+6]) < threshold_hit:
fin_threshold_point = hit_pos - 3
# Setp3. 检查接续点
# Step3.1 检查最高电平是否达标
threshold_amp = 7.45e-8
if base_amp < threshold_amp:
fin_threshold_point = 0
# Step3.2 检查目标频率是否小于等于 0
if fin_threshold_point <= 0:
if base_amp_freq != 0:
fin_threshold_point = hit_start * 3 # 钦定三次谐波位置
fin_threshold_point = secondary_amp_freq * 2 # 钦定二次谐波位置
# 打印 DEBUG
print("AMP-> %s THD-> %s START-> %s END-> %s HIT_POINT-> %s " % (base_amp, freq_thd, hit_start, hit_end, fin_threshold_point))
return freq_thd, base_amp, fin_threshold_point

def generate_jitter(self, input_fft, freq_thd, base_amp, fin_threshold_point):
# 判定点为0时做忽略处理
if fin_threshold_point == 0:
return input_fft
# 插入抖动
for i in range(fin_threshold_point, self.proc_fft_length - fin_threshold_point):
# 生成概率,频率越高概率越低
if fin_threshold_point >= freq_thd:
gen_possible = abs((self.proc_fft_length / 2) - i) / ((self.proc_fft_length / 2) - fin_threshold_point)
if i > (self.proc_fft_length / 2):
gen_possible = (i - (self.proc_fft_length - freq_thd)) / (freq_thd - fin_threshold_point)
gen_possible = (freq_thd - i) / (freq_thd - fin_threshold_point)
if random.randint(0, 1000000) < 800000 * gen_possible: # 0<=x<=10
# 基础范围倍率
base_jitter_rate = [0.15,1.75] # 适用于乐器纯音乐、古典乐、轻音乐(频谱不是特别亮)
# base_jitter_rate = [0.7,2.5] # 适用于流行乐、电子乐、摇滚乐(频谱亮且充满理论范围)
# 计算基础抖动范围
base_jitter_delta = abs(input_fft.real[i])
base_jitter_min = base_jitter_delta * base_jitter_rate[0] * (1 - gen_possible)
base_jitter_max = base_jitter_delta * base_jitter_rate[1] * gen_possible
# 根据基波电平的额外抖动
amp_jitter_min = base_amp * base_jitter_delta * 0.05
amp_jitter_max = base_amp * base_jitter_delta * 1.5
# 随机正负号添加
amp_jitter_prefix = -1 if random.randint(0, 100000) < 50000 else 1
jitter_prefix = - 1 if random.randint(0, 100000) < 50000 else 1
# 加入抖动
delta_jitter_value = random.uniform(base_jitter_min, base_jitter_max) + amp_jitter_prefix * random.uniform(amp_jitter_min, amp_jitter_max)
input_fft.real[i] += jitter_prefix * delta_jitter_value
return input_fft

def save_file(self):
librosa.output.write_wav(self.output_file_path, self.mid_signal_carray, self.output_sr)

if __name__ == "__main__":

# 输入文件路径, 输出文件路径

from tqdm import tqdm

# 待处理文件位置
file_path = 'Input.mp3'
# 欲输出采样率
output_sr = 48000
# 中间处理采样率倍数
mid_sr_rate = 1
# HPF 截止频率, 调制频率, 增益
# (请在观察过原始音频频谱后修改,必须手工修改后使用)
harmonic_hpfc,harmonic_sft,harmonic_gain = 3000,4200,0.9
percussive_hpfc,percussive_stf,percussive_gain = 2000,4000,1.5

def hpd_n_shift(data, lpf, sft, gain):
# 高通滤波
b,a = signal.butter(3,lpf/(sr/2),'high')
data = librosa.stft(signal.filtfilt(b,a,librosa.istft(data)))
# 拷贝频谱
for i in tqdm(range(data.shape[1]),unit='Segment',ascii=True):
shift = sft
shift_point = round(shift/(sr/data.shape[0]))
# 调制
for p in reversed(range(len(chan[:,i]))):
data[:,i][p] = data[:,i][p-shift_point]
# 高通滤波
data = librosa.stft(signal.filtfilt(b,a,librosa.istft(data)))
data *= gain
return data

# 加载音频
print('Opening file...')
y, sr = librosa.load(file_path,mono=False,sr=None) # offset=40,duration=5,
print('Resampling to HiRes...')
y = resampy.resample(y, sr, output_sr * mid_sr_rate, filter='kaiser_fast')
# 产生 STFT 谱
print('Generating STFT data...')
stft_list = [librosa.stft(chan) for chan in y]
# 显示基本信息
print(f'InputSr: {sr}, OutputSr: {output_sr}, Shape: {stft_list[0].shape}')

# 谐波增强模式
for chan in stft_list:
print('Generating HPSS data...')
D_harmonic,D_percussive = librosa.decompose.hpss(chan, margin=4)
D_harmonic = hpd_n_shift(D_harmonic,harmonic_hpfc,harmonic_sft,harmonic_gain)
D_percussive = hpd_n_shift(D_percussive,percussive_hpfc,percussive_stf,percussive_gain)
chan += D_harmonic
chan += D_percussive

# 合并输出
print('Generating output file...')
istft_list = [librosa.istft(chan) for chan in stft_list]
final_data = resampy.resample(np.array(istft_list),
output_sr * mid_sr_rate,
print('Writing wave...')
librosa.output.write_wav('eh_output.wav', final_data, output_sr)

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