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MultiFile Upload

Patrick Ruhsert edited this page Nov 21, 2019 · 16 revisions

Added in version v2.0.0

The MultiFile Upload component is a slick and powerful file uploader. It allows users to drag and drop (or select) a number of files and review them before upload. The component supports several languages, meta fields that allow users to enter additional information for each file, file restrictions and an extensive API and events to interact with the component.

MultiFile Upload demo

Table of contents

Getting started

To get started with the MultiFile Upload component, drag the component on a form and attach a method to the onFileUploaded event. Whenever a file is completely uploaded to the server, this method is fired and receives a JSUpload object as argument. From that you can get the bytes of the file uploaded, its name, content type etc.

The component can either be shown as a "drop zone" on the form or as a modal dialog. This is controlled via the inline property. When true, the component will render a UI on the form, when false, nothing will be rendered on the form and the component needs to be opened as a modal via the openModal() API call.

MultiFile Upload properties

The component offers these properties to control its behaviour:

Property Type Default Description
inline Boolean null When false, the component does not show on the form, but in a modal that is shown when openModal() is called
autoProceed Boolean false By default the component will wait for an upload button to be pressed in the UI, or the upload() method to be called, before starting an upload. Setting this to autoProceed: true will start uploading automatically after the first file is selected.
allowMultipleUploads Boolean true Whether to allow multiple upload batches. This means multiple calls to .upload(), or a user adding more files after already uploading some. An upload batch is made up of the files that were added since the previous .upload() call.

With this option set to true, users can upload some files, and then add more files and upload those as well. A model use case for this is uploading images to a gallery or adding attachments to an email.

With this option set to false, users can upload some files, and you can listen for the onUploadComplete event to continue to the next step in your app’s upload flow. A typical use case for this is uploading a new profile picture.
restrictions uploadRestriction[] null Optionally, provide rules and conditions to limit the type and/or number of files that can be selected.
language String English One of the language packs shipped (currently English, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Japanese, Persian, Russian, Swedish, Turkish)

If you need to provide your own translations, use the localeStrings property.
localeStrings Map Any number of key/value pairs to translate single strings in the component, overriding the ones provided by the language pack selected.
hideUploadButton Boolean false Hide the upload button. Use this if you are providing a custom upload button somewhere, and using the upload() API.
note String null Optionally, specify a string of text that explains something about the upload for the user. This is a place to explain any restrictions that are put in place. For example: 'Images and video only, 2–3 files, up to 1 MB'.
metaFields metaField[] null An array of UI field objects that will be shown when a user clicks the “edit” button on that file. Configuring this enables the “edit” button on file cards. Each object requires:

  • id, the name of the meta field. Note: this will also be used in CSS/HTML as part of the id attribute, so it’s better to avoid using characters like periods, semicolons, etc.
  • name, the label shown in the interface.
  • placeholder, the text shown when no value is set in the field.

Note: these fields are currently not available in the onFileUploaded handler and can only be retrieved in the onUploadComplete handler or when the files are fetched via getFiles() or getFile()
closeAfterFinish Boolean false Set to true to automatically close the modal when all current uploads are complete. You can use this together with the allowMultipleUploads: false option to create a smooth experience when uploading a single (batch of) file(s).

With this option, the modal is only automatically closed when uploads are complete and successful. If some uploads failed, the modal stays open so the user can retry failed uploads or cancel the current batch and upload an entirely different set of files instead.

Setting allowMultipleUploads: false is strongly recommended when using this option. With multiple upload batches, the auto-closing behavior can be very confusing for users.
disableStatusBar Boolean false Dashboard ships with the StatusBar plugin that shows upload progress and pause/resume/cancel buttons. If you want, you can disable the StatusBar to provide your own custom solution.
sources Map null Allows to add additional sources of files (other than the user's file system) to the component (currently only Webcam is supported)

Custom types

uploadRestriction type

Optionally, provide rules and conditions to limit the type and/or number of files that can be selected. It is used on the restrictions property of the component and has the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
maxFileSize Number null maximum file size in bytes for each individual file
maxNumberOfFiles Number null total number of files that can be selected
minNumberOfFiles Number null minimum number of files that must be selected before the upload
allowedFileTypes String null array of wildcards image/*, exact mime types image/jpeg, or file extensions .jpg: ['image/*', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif']

maxNumberOfFiles also affects the number of files a user is able to select via the system file dialog in UI plugins like DragDrop, FileInput and Dashboard: when set to 1, they will only be able to select a single file. When null or another number is provided, they will be able to select multiple files.

metaField type

Meta fields can be added to the component and will be shown when a user clicks the “edit” button on a specific file. Adding meta fields enables the “edit” button on file cards.

Property Type Default Description
id String null the name of the meta field. Note: this will also be used in CSS/HTML as part of the id attribute, so it’s better to avoid using characters like periods, semicolons, etc.
name String null the label shown in the interface.
placeholder String null the text shown when no value is set in the field.

uploadFile type

uploadFiles can be retrieved via the getFiles() or getFile(fileID) API calls or will be passed as parameter to some of the handlers of the component.

An uploadFile file has the following properties:

Property Type Description
id String the ID of the file used in the component.
name String the file's name.
extension String the file extension (e.g. '.jpg')
type String the file's mime type (e.g. 'image/jpeg').
size Integer the file size in bytes.
metaFields Object a key/value map of all meta fields of the file.
progress progress the file's progress as a progress object.
error String possible error message.

progress type

An object detailing a file's transfer progress with the following properties:

Property Type Description
bytesTotal Integer the total number of bytes to be uploaded.
bytesUploaded Integer the number of bytes uploaded.
percentage Integer the percentage uploaded
uploadComplete Boolean whether the file has been successfully uploaded.
uploadStarted Date the date on which the upload has been started

MultiFile Upload events

Event Params Return Description
onFileUploaded fileUploaded:JSUpload Fired when a file is uploaded and receives the file uploaded as a JSUpload object
onFileAdded fileAdded:uploadFile Fired when a file has been added to the list of files
onBeforeFileAdded fileToAdd:uploadFile,
Boolean Fired when a file is added to the list of files to upload. When false is returned, the file will not be added
onFileRemoved fileRemoved:uploadFile Fired when a file is removed from the list of files to upload
onUploadComplete successfulFiles:uploadFile[],
Fired when the upload of all files is complete
onModalOpened Fired when the modal is opened
onModalClosed Fired when the modal is closed
onRestrictionFailed file:uploadFile,
Fired when a file violates certain restrictions when added. This event is just providing another choice for those who want to customize the behavior of file upload restrictions.

MultiFile Upload API

Method Params Return Description
reset Stop all uploads in progress and clear file selection, set progress to 0. Basically, return things to the way they were before any user input.
initialize Re-initializes the component.
openModal Shows the modal window (only if inline property is set to false).
closeModal Hides the modal window.
upload Start uploading selected files.
retryAll Retry all uploads (after an error, for example).
cancelAll fileID:String Cancel all uploads, reset progress and remove all files.
retryUpload fileID:String Retry an upload (after an error, for example).
info message:String|{message:String,details:String},
Sets a message in state, with optional details. The types supported are info, warning, success or error.
getFiles uploadFile[] Get an array of all file objects in the component.
getFile fileID:String uploadFile Get a specific file object by its ID.
removeFile fileID:String Remove a file from the component.

MultiFile Localization

To localize the component, use the language property to choose among any of the shipped languages. If you want to translate single strings differently or provide a full own translation, you can use the localeStrings property to provide those translations.

Below you find all keys and their English translation for reference. Please note that some keys are nested in a complex object, such as

filesUploadedOfTotal: {
'0': '%{complete} of %{smart_count} file uploaded',
'1': '%{complete} of %{smart_count} files uploaded',
'2': '%{complete} of %{smart_count} files uploaded'

For this to work properly, you have to provide the property of the nested object directly with the key, separated with a dot as in

filesUploadedOfTotal.0 = '%{complete} of %{smart_count} file uploaded'
filesUploadedOfTotal.1 = '%{complete} of %{smart_count} files uploaded'
filesUploadedOfTotal.2 = '%{complete} of %{smart_count} files uploaded'

Localization keys

Here is a list of all keys and their English translation defaults:

Key English (default) translation
addMore 'Add more'
addMoreFiles 'Add more files'
addingMoreFiles 'Adding more files'
allowAccessDescription 'In order to take pictures or record video with your camera, please allow camera access for this site.'
allowAccessTitle 'Please allow access to your camera'
authenticateWith 'Connect to %{pluginName}'
authenticateWithTitle 'Please authenticate with %{pluginName} to select files'
back 'Back'
browse 'browse'
cancel 'Cancel'
cancelUpload 'Cancel upload'
chooseFiles 'Choose files'
closeModal 'Close Modal'
companionAuthError 'Authorization required'
companionError 'Connection with Companion failed'
companionUnauthorizeHint 'To unauthorize to your %{provider} account, please go to %{url}'
complete 'Complete'
connectedToInternet 'Connected to the Internet'
copyLink 'Copy link'
copyLinkToClipboardFallback 'Copy the URL below'
copyLinkToClipboardSuccess 'Link copied to clipboard'
creatingAssembly 'Preparing upload...'
creatingAssemblyFailed 'Transloadit
dashboardTitle 'File Uploader'
dashboardWindowTitle 'File Uploader Window (Press escape to close)'
dataUploadedOfTotal '%{complete} of %{total}'
done 'Done'
dropHereOr 'Drop files here or %{browse}'
dropHint 'Drop your files here'
dropPaste 'Drop files here, paste or %{browse}'
dropPasteImport 'Drop files here, paste, %{browse} or import from'
edit 'Edit'
editFile 'Edit file'
editing 'Editing %{file}'
emptyFolderAdded 'No files were added from empty folder'
encoding 'Encoding...'
enterCorrectUrl 'Incorrect URL
enterUrlToImport 'Enter URL to import a file'
exceedsSize 'This file exceeds maximum allowed size of'
failedToFetch 'Companion failed to fetch this URL, please make sure it’s correct'
failedToUpload 'Failed to upload %{file}'
fileSource 'File source
filesUploadedOfTotal.0 '%{complete} of %{smart_count} file uploaded'
filesUploadedOfTotal.1 '%{complete} of %{smart_count} files uploaded'
filesUploadedOfTotal.2 '%{complete} of %{smart_count} files uploaded'
filter 'Filter'
finishEditingFile 'Finish editing file'
folderAdded.0 'Added %{smart_count} file from %{folder}'
folderAdded.1 'Added %{smart_count} files from %{folder}'
folderAdded.2 'Added %{smart_count} files from %{folder}'
generatingThumbnails 'Generating thumbnails...'
import 'Import'
importFrom 'Import from %{name}'
link 'Link'
loading 'Loading...'
logOut 'Log out'
myDevice 'My Device'
noFilesFound 'You have no files or folders here'
noInternetConnection 'No Internet connection'
openFolderNamed 'Open folder %{name}'
pause 'Pause'
pauseUpload 'Pause upload'
paused 'Paused'
poweredBy 'Powered by'
preparingUpload 'Preparing upload...'
processingXFiles.0 'Processing %{smart_count} file'
processingXFiles.1 'Processing %{smart_count} files'
processingXFiles.2 'Processing %{smart_count} files'
removeFile 'Remove file'
resetFilter 'Reset filter'
resume 'Resume'
resumeUpload 'Resume upload'
retry 'Retry'
retryUpload 'Retry upload'
saveChanges 'Save changes'
selectAllFilesFromFolderNamed 'Select all files from folder %{name}'
selectFileNamed 'Select file %{name}'
selectX.0 'Select %{smart_count}'
selectX.1 'Select %{smart_count}'
selectX.2 'Select %{smart_count}'
smile 'Smile!'
startRecording 'Begin video recording'
stopRecording 'Stop video recording'
takePicture 'Take a picture'
timedOut 'Upload stalled for %{seconds} seconds, aborting.'
unselectAllFilesFromFolderNamed 'Unselect all files from folder %{name}'
unselectFileNamed 'Unselect file %{name}'
upload 'Upload'
uploadComplete 'Upload complete'
uploadFailed 'Upload failed'
uploadPaused 'Upload paused'
uploadXFiles.0 'Upload %{smart_count} file'
uploadXFiles.1 'Upload %{smart_count} files'
uploadXFiles.2 'Upload %{smart_count} files'
uploadXNewFiles.0 'Upload +%{smart_count} file'
uploadXNewFiles.1 'Upload +%{smart_count} files'
uploadXNewFiles.2 'Upload +%{smart_count} files'
uploading 'Uploading'
uploadingXFiles.0 'Uploading %{smart_count} file'
uploadingXFiles.1 'Uploading %{smart_count} files'
uploadingXFiles.2 'Uploading %{smart_count} files'
xFilesSelected.0 '%{smart_count} file selected'
xFilesSelected.1 '%{smart_count} files selected'
xFilesSelected.2 '%{smart_count} files selected'
xMoreFilesAdded.0 '%{smart_count} more file added'
xMoreFilesAdded.1 '%{smart_count} more files added'
xMoreFilesAdded.2 '%{smart_count} more files added'
xTimeLeft '%{time} left'
youCanOnlyUploadFileTypes 'You can only upload
youCanOnlyUploadX.0 'You can only upload %{smart_count} file'
youCanOnlyUploadX.1 'You can only upload %{smart_count} files'
youCanOnlyUploadX.2 'You can only upload %{smart_count} files'
youHaveToAtLeastSelectX.0 'You have to select at least %{smart_count} file'
youHaveToAtLeastSelectX.1 'You have to select at least %{smart_count} files'
youHaveToAtLeastSelectX.2 'You have to select at least %{smart_count} files'