The library allows you to use Selenium on PHP with Google Chrome/Chromium Web Browser. Capabilities:
- One instance for manage all drivers
- Manage multipe running selenium sessions
- Simple objective interface for configuring Selenium driver
- Simple objective interface for accessing to web page elements
- Simple wait methods
- Proxy support
- Data path support
- Auto shutdown all running selenium sessions on program exit
For installing ChromeSeleniumLibrary just add repo in composer.json:
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
And run:
composer require seriyyy95/selenium-chrome-library
Basic running usage example:
use Seriyyy95\ChromeSeleniumLibrary\SeleniumParams;
use Seriyyy95\ChromeSeleniumLibrary\SeleniumAPI;
$params = new SeleniumParams();
$browser = SeleniumAPI::getInstance()->getBrowser($params);
Also you can get a driver:
$driver = SeleniumAPI::getInstance()->getDriver($params);
Basic SeleniumBrowser methods:
- waitTitle - wait for page title loading
- click - click on element
- visibilityByCss - wait visibility of element by CSS selector
- visibilityByXpath - wait visibility of element by Xpath selector
- doAndWaitReload - do anything and wait for page reload
- doAndWaitIncrease - do anything and wait for number of some elements increase
- waitAppearByCss - wait appear element on page identified by CSS selector
- waitAppearByXpath - wait appear element on page identified by Xpath selector
- ifAppearsByCss - do something if element appears on page, if it not appears - do nothing, element identifies by CSS selector
- ifAppearsByXpath - same, but element identifies by Xpath selector
- waitDisappearCss - wait for some element identified by CSS disapear on page
- waitDisappearXpath - same, but element identified by Xpath selector
- waitCountByCss - wait until number of elements identified by CSS selector be greater than given value
- waitCountByXpath - same, but with Xpath selector
- script - run JavaScript script
- typeKeys - send keys to browser
- takeScreenshot - take screenshot of browser window
SeleniumBrowser methods for managing elements:
- hasByCss
- hasByXpath
- hasByName
- countByCss
- countByXpath
- countByName
- findByCss
- findByXpath
- findByName
- listByCss
- listByXpath
- listByName
- The has* methods check if element is on page and return bool value.
- The count* methods return number of elements on page.
- The find* methods return first WebElement on page that match with selector. Same as Selenium findElement method.
- The list* methods return array of WebElement objects by given selector.
If you want to use these methods for some Element, you should use SeleniumElement wrapper for WebElement
$element = new SeleniumElement($webElement);
$list = $element->listByCss("div.some_class");
Show tests folder for more examples.