This library was written to control a MAX6954 chip driving 6 14-segment displays with an ATmega328. It was originally written for use in this project: P-KTANE.
Download or clone this repository into your Arduino libraries folder.
Once installed you should be able to see a max6954 menu option under File > Examples > max6954 within the Arduino IDE.
I connected the MAX6954s to the ATmega using the following pins:
MAX6954 pin name | MAX6954 pin nr | ATmega pin name | ATmega328 pin nr | Arduino pin name |
Chip Select (CS) | 3 | PB0 | 14 | 8 |
Master Out Slave In (MOSI) | 6 | PB1 | 15 | 9 |
Clock (SCK) | 5 | PB2 | 16 | 10 |
To connect the MAX6954 to the 14 segment digits refer to Table 3. Connection Scheme for Eight 14-Segment Digits and Figure 1. Segment Labeling for 7-Segment Display, 14-Segment Display, and 16-Segment Display in the data sheet. I used 3 of these digits.
See also:
This example shows how to output string using the built in font provided on the MAX6954 itself. It also demos lowercase strings which are generated by turning individual segments on and off.
Code: Print_String.ino