The motivation behind this is Stanford CS221 Pacman homework where we had to implement Expectimax with a static evaluation function and the top three scores were rewarded. After finishing CS221 read the Hybrid Reward Architecture paper from: and decided to make the Pacman a bit smarter using Reinforcement Learning.
The Fruit Collection task example from the HRA paper was taken as basis for this implementation.
The following GFVs and Heads were defined:
- one head/gvf per food point and capsules
- two heads for the ghosts and a number of gvfs equal to the number of possible pacman locations, i.e. all locations not having a wall. At each pacman location the heads are reset to the gvfs corresponding to their current location.
- for the scared ghosts a similar approach was taken as for the regular ghosts
- diversification explorer head which adds random q values between [0, 20] for a configurable number of steps to allow each episode to start randomly
Each GVF is configured with virtual rewards and the calculated q values are at the end multiplied by the actual game rewards/points.
At the end to aggregate the q values, two aggregation methods were implemented, as described in the orginal paper:
- a linear aggregator summing all q values and then taking the action with the largest q value
- a custom aggregator taking all heads with a positive reward and normalizes them and adding the negative q values weighted by a weight vector
See hra/config.yaml for the set of configurable parameters.
A pre-trained HRA Pacman on 200 games is available in this repo and a series of ten games can be viewed here:
To let pacman with HRA play, type: python -l smallClassic -p HRAAgent To train pacman with HRA, type: python -l smallClassic -p HRAAgent -a learn=True -q -n 200
For help, type: python -h See for more information about the pacman game.