Any content produced by Solana, or developer resources that Solana provides, are for educational and inspiration purposes only. Solana does not encourage, induce or sanction the deployment of any such applications in violation of applicable laws or regulations.
- Calculate deposit APY and borrow APY for home page
- [] Finish Reserve overview page (chart, and borrows information)
- Create Dashboard page
- [] Deposit view calculate APY and health factor
- Format total Borrows
- Add repay view
- [] Add liquidate view
- Borrow view calculate available to you and borrow APY
- [] Facuet add USDC that is using sol airdrop and USDC reserve to give user USDC
- [] Borrow - Convert target ccy to collateral on oposite side
- [] Borrow - liquidity token wrapped SOL should be unwrapped ...
- Fix slider on repay page
- Add slider to borrow page (100% max collateral)
- Add market size on front page
- [] Add github link
- [] Repay from reserve (add selection for obligation/loan)
- [] Add support for token names in URL in addition to reserve address