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James Fantin-Hardesty edited this page Nov 15, 2023 · 2 revisions

Contributing to Cloudfuse

Pull requests, bug reports, and all other forms of contribution are welcomed!

Bug Reports

You can submit bug reports by opening an issue here. Please be as detailed as you can in the error you encountered and explain what the expected behavior is. If possible, please include any log files generated by Cloudfuse as well, these can be immensely helpful in debugging.

Before submitting a new issue, please check that your bug has not already been reported. If it does you can comment on the existing issue that you are experiencing the issue as well, which helps us to prioritize issues that are affecting many people.

Feature Requests

If you have a new idea for a feature for Cloudfuse you can create an issue here. We can't guarantee that we will implement the feature but we welcome new ideas for the project. If you want to get started implementing your feature, that is great and you are welcome to open a pull request.

Pull Requests

We welcome new pull requests to fix existing issues or make improvements to the project. Please limit each pull request to one specific issue to make it easier for us to review.

To see how to build Cloudfuse from source to test your changes, see here.

Testing Changes Locally

Cloudfuse has a large test suite. The unit tests can be easily setup to be run locally.

First, we will need to setup LocalStack to emulate S3 object storage locally. To install and start LocalStack run the following

pip install localstack awscli-local[ver1]
docker pull localstack/localstack
localstack start -d

To see if localstack is working and available, run the following and you should see a printout with the date and then test which is the bucket that current exists in localstack.

awslocal s3 mb s3://test
awslocal s3 ls

Next, we need to setup Azurite which can emulate Azure blob storage locally. To install Azurite run the following

npm install -g azurite

Then to start Azurite, run


which will start the Azurite service.

Next, the unit tests read from two files on the system to get credentials for S3 and Azure storage when doing unit tests. We need to create these files and pass in the default credentials for LocalStack and Azurite.

Create a file ~/s3test.json with the following data

    "bucket-name": "test",
    "access-key": "test",
    "secret-key": "test",
    "endpoint": "http://localhost:4566",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "use-path-style": true

Create a file ~/azuretest.json with the following data

    "block-acct": "devstoreaccount1",
    "block-key": "Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==",
    "endpoint": "",
    "skip-msi": true,
    "proxy-address": ""

Now that everything is setup to run the unit test suite, run

go test -v ./... --tags=unittest,azurite

This will run almost all unit tests, except those that test Azure ADLS accounts as those cannot be emulated using Azurite.

Code of Conduct

Please review our code of conduct.