Look at the Content documentation to learn more.
Make sure to install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000
npm run dev
Build the application for production:
npm run build
Locally preview production build:
npm run preview
Checkout the deployment documentation for more information.
title: 'Beispiel Artikel'
date: 2023-04-16
tags: [Mathe, Neuigkeiten, Unterricht]
author: 'Max Mustermann'
src: thumbnail.jpg # Place it inside the public/images/ folder
alt: Ein thumbnail
# Content
![Ein Foto der roten Schule von vorne](/images/schule.jpg)
<img src="/images/schule.jpg" alt="Ein Foto der roten Schule von vorne">
<img src="/images/schule.jpg" alt="Ein Foto der roten Schule von vorne">
<figcaption>Ein Foto der roten Schule von vorne</figcaption>
<img src="/images/schule.jpg" format="png" alt="Ein Foto der roten Schule von vorne">
Images and captions need to be separated using ,
with an arbitrary amount of spaces afterward.
without captions:
<gallery images="/images/iamge1.jpg, /images/image2.jpg,/images/image3.jpg"></gallery>
with captions:
<gallery images="/images/iamge1.jpg,/images/image2.jpg, /images/image3.jpg" captions="captions1, captions2,captions3"></gallery>
<img src="src" alt="alt" width="width" height="height" format="format" preset="preset">
Pinned articles will appear in the Highlights Section of the homepage and appear first on the tag site.
title: 'Beispiel Artikel'
pinned: true
Hidden articles will not appear on the homepage or on the category view. It is searchable though.
title: 'Beispiel Artikel'
hidden: true
Slides ignore hidden
Hidden articles will not appear on the homepage or on the category view. It is searchable though.
title: 'Artikel wird archiviert am 17.06.2023'
expireOn: 2023-06-17
title: 'Artikel wird archiviert am 30.01.2023 um 8:00 Uhr'
expireOn: 2023-01-30T08:00
Slides ignore expireOn
If the redirect property is set on an article, the user will be redirected to the set URL. The history entry will be replaced.
title: 'Beispiel Artikel'
redirect: '/tag/Bücher'
You can display all articles containing a tag (or one of multiple tags). Tags are separated by a plus sign.
To enable login functionality you need to connect a database (MariaDB) and a JSON Web Token.
NUXT_MARIA_DB_HOST = localhost
NUXT_JWT_SECRET = 5e3b515547be8f9547d562991f2e7b1d5f5aca309e076763ef3388c8604db5e4