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deadcode4j v2.0.0: Configuration

sebastiankirsch edited this page Sep 12, 2014 · 3 revisions

If you want to configure the plugin and make use of some of its features, list deadcode4j in your pom.xml:

            <!-- Java main class which IS used, I swear -->

Note that it if you do not intend to bind deadcode4j to a lifecycle phase, it is sufficient to define deadcode4j under the pluginManagement section as listed above.
Now run mvn de.is24.mavenplugins:deadcode4j-maven-plugin:find-only (assuming your project is packaged) and you'll get

[INFO] --- deadcode4j-maven-plugin:2.0.0:find-only (default-cli) @ someProject ---
[INFO] Analyzed 42 class(es).
[INFO] Ignoring 1 class(es) which seem(s) to be unused.
[WARNING] Found 1 unused class(es):
[WARNING]   de.is24.deadcode4j.Bar

Configuration Parameters

  • annotationsMarkingLiveCode

    A list of fully qualified annotation classes which, if applied, mark classes as being live code.

  • classesToIgnore

    A list of fully qualified classes that should be ignored by deadcode4j (and thus not listed as being dead).

  • customXmls

    A list of definitions on how to analyze XML files:

      <!-- more custom XML -->
    • endOfFileName (mandatory)

      The file suffix that needs to be matched in order to analyze a file.

    • rootElement

      The name of the root element that needs to be matched in order to analyze an XML file; specifying a root element speeds up the analysis.

    • xPaths (mandatory)

      A list of XPath definitions identifying an XML node which is to be recognized as a class being in use. Supported expressions are: element/text() and element/@attribute; an element can be restricted to have a specific attribute value by defining element[@requiredAttribute='requiredValue'].

  • ignoreMainClasses

    Mark all classes with a main method as being live code.

  • interfacesMarkingLiveCode

    A list of fully qualified interface names which, if implemented, mark classes as being live code.

  • modulesToSkip

    A list of the modules to skip.

  • skipSendingUsageStatistics

    Set to true to skip sending usage statistics; set to false to send statistics without user interaction. When running Maven with the -o flag, sendings statistics is skipped. Likewise, if this property is not set to false and Maven runs with the -B flag, statistics are not send.
    User property is deadcode4j.skipSendingStatistics

  • skipUpdateCheck

    Set to true to skip the update check performed at startup. When running Maven with the -o flag, checking for updates is skipped.
    User property is deadcode4j.skipUpdate

  • superClassesMarkingLiveCode

    A list of fully qualified class names which, if extended, mark classes as being live code.

  • usageStatisticsComment

    A comment to send along with the usage statistics.
    State a testimonial, refer to your project, provide a way to contact you, request a feature, have fun!
    User property is deadcode4j.statisticsComment