Load testing for SciLifeLab Serve using the Python Locust library.
This repository contains two branches:
- main (default)
- develop
Make changes in the develop branch, commit and submit pull requests to merge to main. Regularly sync develop with main using rebase to retain a clean commit history.
cd ./source
python3 -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ./source
pyenv virtualenv 3.12.2 locust-3.12.2
pyenv local locust-3.12.2
pyenv version
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
locust -V
To configure the test runs, use the Locust configuration file ./source/locust.conf For options, see the Locust docs
You can override all of the settings set in the configuration file by setting the same on the command line. For example, to override the log level settings use --loglevel as in example:
locust --headless -f ./tests/test_verify_setup.py --loglevel debug
Create locust tests in the /source/tests directory.
These tests do not need access to a host (URL) to test against.
Run the command:
locust --headless -f ./tests/test_verify_setup.py --users 1 --run-time 10s --html ./reports/locust-report-verify-setup.html
Open the generated html report and verify that there are no errors and that the statistics look reasonable. The report is created under /source/reports/
Run the command
locust --config locust-ui.conf --class-picker -f ./tests/test_verify_setup.py --html ./reports/locust-report-verify-setup-ui.html
Open a browser tab at URL http://localhost:8089/
Paste in as host
Run the command:
locust --headless -f ./tests/test_verify_host.py --users 1 --run-time 10s --html ./reports/locust-report-verify-host.html
Open the generated html report and verify that there are no errors and that the statistics look reasonable. The report is created under /source/reports/
Some of the tests require pre-existing test users that are named with the format "locust_test_user_"* Therefore, before running the tests, run the script to create them in the test environment. This can be performed using the Django manage module while connected to the Serve studio pod. For example to add 10 test users, run:
python3 manage.py add_locust_users 10
When the tests are completed, you can remove the test users by running:
python3 manage.py remove_locust_users
Move into the source directory if not already there:
cd ./source
Copy the template environment file .env.template as .env
cp ./.env.template .env
Edit the following values in the .env file according to your needs.
- SERVE_LOCUST_TEST_USER_PASS=(The password of the test locust users)
- SERVE_LOCUST_DO_CREATE_OBJECTS=(A boolean indicating whether to create objects in Serve such as projects and apps)
Set the environment values from the file
set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport
If desired then generate html reports by editing the report name in the below commands.
Use minimum 10 users for the Normal test plan
locust --headless -f ./tests/test_plan_normal.py --html ./reports/locust-report-normal.html --users 10 --run-time 30s
Or using the Web UI
locust --config locust-ui.conf --class-picker -f ./tests/test_plan_normal.py --html ./reports/locust-report-normal-ui.html --users 10 --run-time 30s
locust --headless -f ./tests/test_plan_classroom.py --html ./reports/locust-report-classroom.html --users 10 --run-time 30s
These tests are not yet ready to be used in a load testing session. The tests are located under directory /source/tests-dev/
This test uses a non-authenticated user
locust --headless -f ./tests-dev/appviewer.py --html ./reports/locust-report-appviewer.html --users 1 --run-time 20s
These tests require a user account in Serve and a protected page such as a project page.
Run the tests
locust --headless -f ./tests-dev/authenticated.py --html ./reports/locust-report-authenticated.html --users 1 --run-time 10s
Using provided Locust base image. To select which tests to execute, edit the file parameter -f as shown above.
cd ./source
docker run -p 8089:8089 -v $PWD:/mnt/locust locustio/locust -f /mnt/locust/tests/simple.py --config /mnt/locust/locust.conf --html /mnt/locust/reports/locust-report-from-docker.html
The Locust app-viewer tests do not currently create pods on the cluster. In order to run such tests, configure and execute appviewer_requestshtml.py
python3 ./tests-dev/appviewer_requestshtml.py
The shell script can be used to execute multiple simultaneous types of tests (such as Locust plus a scripted test).
Edit the configuration in locust.conf and in .env. If running the appviewer_requestshtml.py module, then also configure settings in this file.
$ cd ./source
$ chmod +x run_test_plan.sh
$ ./run_test_plan.sh
Copy the environment variables template file to .env and edit as needed. Then run:
cd ./source
docker build -t serve-load-testing:dev .
docker run -p 8089:8089 --env-file ./.env serve-load-testing:dev
The repository is setup for deployment to a kubernetes cluster using ArgoCD. This is however beyond the scope of this document.
You might want to do this to troubleshoot a kubernetes deployment. Manifests for a local deployment are provided using Kustomize. Use togetehr with the CLI kubectl.
Create a deployment named locust-deployment in a new namespace locust:
kustomize build ./manifests/overlays/development | kubectl apply -f - --force
To delete the deployments created:
kubectl -n locust delete deployment locust-deployment
kubectl -n locust delete deployment postgres-deployment
locust-plugins is an add on to locust that adds functionality such as persisting test restults to a database. More specifically, we use the dashboards feature or locust-plugins. See
To setup locust-plugins, there is an option to use locust-compose or manually setup. We use manual setup so that the dashboards can always be running.
locust-plugins is integrated in the production version of this project (deployed to kubernetes using k8s manifests and a built docker image) but not used in local development. However the dashboards can be installed locally using:
pip3 install locust-plugins[dashboards]
Or use a docker image
docker run cyberw/locust-timescale:6