Workshop on Machine Learning organised at the Data Science Center on 20 May 2022.
In the past decade, Deep Learning, originally a subfield of Machine Learning, has gained considerable influence and momentum. In order to distinguish "traditional" Machine Learning such as Random Forest or Regularised Regression from Deep Learning models, we decided to coin this workshop "conventional Machine Learning".
Note: Machine Learning is often abbreviated in ML.
- Get familiarised with Machine Learning terminology and terms.
- Learn about automated Machine Learning: choosing the best ML model
Taken from the UCI Machine Learning Repository Link
Taken from the UCI Machine Learning Repository Link
- Iris van der Knaap @Library, UvA Data Science Center Digital Skills Coordinator.
- Casper Thuis, data scientist @IBED, UvA.
- Marc Galland, support data scientist, @SILS, UvA.
- Machine Learning at the Vrije University of Amsterdam:
- Genetic programming in Python: