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Merge pull request #343 from ashutosh-b-b/bb/cubic_spline_arr
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CubicSplines: Add AbstractMatrix support
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ChrisRackauckas authored Oct 14, 2024
2 parents b02fcda + 6588747 commit d7dab66
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Showing 4 changed files with 75 additions and 1 deletion.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions src/interpolation_caches.jl
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Expand Up @@ -470,6 +470,40 @@ function CubicSpline(u::uType,
CubicSpline(u, t, I, p, h[1:(n + 1)], z, extrapolate, cache_parameters, linear_lookup)

function CubicSpline(u::uType,
extrapolate = false, cache_parameters = false,
assume_linear_t = 1e-2) where {uType <:
AbstractArray{T, N}} where {T, N}
u, t = munge_data(u, t)
n = length(t) - 1
h = vcat(0, map(k -> t[k + 1] - t[k], 1:(length(t) - 1)), 0)
dl = vcat(h[2:n], zero(eltype(h)))
d_tmp = 2 .* (h[1:(n + 1)] .+ h[2:(n + 2)])
du = vcat(zero(eltype(h)), h[3:(n + 1)])
tA = Tridiagonal(dl, d_tmp, du)

# zero for element type of d, which we don't know yet
ax = axes(u)[1:(end - 1)]
typed_zero = zero(6(u[ax..., begin + 2] - u[ax..., begin + 1]) / h[begin + 2] -
6(u[ax..., begin + 1] - u[ax..., begin]) / h[begin + 1])

h_ = reshape(h, ones(Int64, N - 1)..., :)
ax_h = axes(h_)[1:(end - 1)]
d = 6 * ((u[ax..., 3:(n + 1)] - u[ax..., 2:n]) ./ h_[ax_h..., 3:(n + 1)]) -
6 * ((u[ax..., 2:n] - u[ax..., 1:(n - 1)]) ./ h_[ax_h..., 2:n])
d = cat(typed_zero, d, typed_zero; dims = ndims(d))
d_reshaped = reshape(d, prod(size(d)[1:(end - 1)]), :)
z = (tA \ d_reshaped')'
z = reshape(z, size(u)...)
linear_lookup = seems_linear(assume_linear_t, t)
p = CubicSplineParameterCache(u, h, z, cache_parameters)
A = CubicSpline(
u, t, nothing, p, h[1:(n + 1)], z, extrapolate, cache_parameters, linear_lookup)
I = cumulative_integral(A, cache_parameters)
CubicSpline(u, t, I, p, h[1:(n + 1)], z, extrapolate, cache_parameters, linear_lookup)

function CubicSpline(
u::uType, t; extrapolate = false, cache_parameters = false,
assume_linear_t = 1e-2) where {uType <:
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/interpolation_methods.jl
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Expand Up @@ -166,6 +166,18 @@ function _interpolate(A::CubicSpline{<:AbstractVector}, t::Number, iguess)
I + C + D

function _interpolate(A::CubicSpline{<:AbstractArray{T, N}}, t::Number, iguess) where {T, N}
idx = get_idx(A, t, iguess)
Δt₁ = t - A.t[idx]
Δt₂ = A.t[idx + 1] - t
ax = axes(A.z)[1:(end - 1)]
I = (A.z[ax..., idx] * Δt₂^3 + A.z[ax..., idx + 1] * Δt₁^3) / (6A.h[idx + 1])
c₁, c₂ = get_parameters(A, idx)
C = c₁ * Δt₁
D = c₂ * Δt₂
I + C + D

# BSpline Curve Interpolation
function _interpolate(A::BSplineInterpolation{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}},
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9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/parameter_caches.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,12 +113,19 @@ function CubicSplineParameterCache(u, h, z, cache_parameters)

function cubic_spline_parameters(u, h, z, idx)
function cubic_spline_parameters(u::AbstractVector, h, z, idx)
c₁ = (u[idx + 1] / h[idx + 1] - z[idx + 1] * h[idx + 1] / 6)
c₂ = (u[idx] / h[idx + 1] - z[idx] * h[idx + 1] / 6)
return c₁, c₂

function cubic_spline_parameters(u::AbstractArray, h, z, idx)
ax = axes(u)[1:(end - 1)]
c₁ = (u[ax..., idx + 1] / h[idx + 1] - z[ax..., idx + 1] * h[idx + 1] / 6)
c₂ = (u[ax..., idx] / h[idx + 1] - z[ax..., idx] * h[idx + 1] / 6)
return c₁, c₂

struct CubicHermiteParameterCache{pType}
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21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions test/interpolation_tests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -599,6 +599,27 @@ end
A = CubicSpline(u, t)
@test_throws DataInterpolations.ExtrapolationError A(-2.0)
@test_throws DataInterpolations.ExtrapolationError A(2.0)

@testset "AbstractMatrix" begin
t = 0.1:0.1:1.0
u = [sin.(t) cos.(t)]' |> collect
c = CubicSpline(u, t)
t_test = 0.1:0.05:1.0
u_test = reduce(hcat, c.(t_test))
@test isapprox(u_test[1, :], sin.(t_test), atol = 1e-3)
@test isapprox(u_test[2, :], cos.(t_test), atol = 1e-3)
@testset "AbstractArray{T, 3}" begin
f3d(t) = [sin(t) cos(t);
0.0 cos(2t)]
t = 0.1:0.1:1.0
u3d = f3d.(t)
c = CubicSpline(u3d, t)
t_test = 0.1:0.05:1.0
u_test = reduce(hcat, c.(t_test))
f_test = reduce(hcat, f3d.(t_test))
@test isapprox(u_test, f_test, atol = 1e-2)

@testset "BSplines" begin
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