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Merge pull request #965 from vyudu/detailedbalance
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Detailed balance
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isaacsas authored Nov 6, 2024
2 parents bef4566 + 11c1313 commit f1c3789
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Showing 2 changed files with 298 additions and 0 deletions.
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions src/network_analysis.jl
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Expand Up @@ -398,6 +398,19 @@ function isterminal(lc::Vector, rn::ReactionSystem)

function isforestlike(rn::ReactionSystem)
subnets = subnetworks(rn)
nps = get_networkproperties(rn)

isempty(nps.incidencemat) && reactioncomplexes(rn)
sparseig = issparse(nps.incidencemat)
for subnet in subnets
nps = get_networkproperties(subnet)
isempty(nps.incidencemat) && reactioncomplexes(subnet; sparse = sparseig)
all(Graphs.is_tree SimpleGraph incidencematgraph, subnets)

@doc raw"""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -724,6 +737,87 @@ function conservationlaw_errorcheck(rs, pre_varmap)
error("The system has conservation laws but initial conditions were not provided for some species.")

isdetailedbalanced(rs::ReactionSystem, parametermap; reltol=1e-9, abstol)
Constructively compute whether a kinetic system (a reaction network with a set of rate constants) will admit detailed-balanced equilibrium
solutions, using the Wegscheider conditions, [Feinberg, 1989]( A detailed-balanced solution is one for which the rate of every forward reaction exactly equals its reverse reaction. Accepts a dictionary, vector, or tuple of variable-to-value mappings, e.g. [k1 => 1.0, k2 => 2.0,...].

function isdetailedbalanced(rs::ReactionSystem, parametermap::Dict; abstol=0, reltol=1e-9)
if length(parametermap) != numparams(rs)
error("Incorrect number of parameters specified.")
elseif !isreversible(rs)
return false
elseif !all(r -> ismassaction(r, rs), reactions(rs))
error("The supplied ReactionSystem has reactions that are not ismassaction. Testing for being complex balanced is currently only supported for pure mass action networks.")

isforestlike(rs) && deficiency(rs) == 0 && return true

pmap = symmap_to_varmap(rs, parametermap)
pmap = Dict(ModelingToolkit.value(k) => v for (k, v) in pmap)

# Construct reaction-complex graph
complexes, D = reactioncomplexes(rs)
img = incidencematgraph(rs)
undir_img = SimpleGraph(incidencematgraph(rs))
K = ratematrix(rs, pmap)

spanning_forest = Graphs.kruskal_mst(undir_img)
outofforest_edges = setdiff(collect(edges(undir_img)), spanning_forest)

# Independent Cycle Conditions: for any cycle we create by adding in an out-of-forest reaction, the product of forward reaction rates over the cycle must equal the product of reverse reaction rates over the cycle.
for edge in outofforest_edges
g = SimpleGraph([spanning_forest..., edge])
ic = Graphs.cycle_basis(g)[1]
fwd = prod([K[ic[r], ic[r + 1]] for r in 1:(length(ic) - 1)]) * K[ic[end], ic[1]]
rev = prod([K[ic[r + 1], ic[r]] for r in 1:(length(ic) - 1)]) * K[ic[1], ic[end]]
isapprox(fwd, rev; atol = abstol, rtol = reltol) ? continue : return false

# Spanning Forest Conditions: for non-deficiency 0 networks, we get an additional δ equations. Choose an orientation for each reaction pair in the spanning forest (we will take the one given by default from kruskal_mst).

if deficiency(rs) > 0
rxn_idxs = [edgeindex(D, Graphs.src(e), Graphs.dst(e)) for e in spanning_forest]
S_F = netstoichmat(rs)[:, rxn_idxs]
sols = positive_nullspace(S_F)

for i in 1:size(sols, 2)
α = sols[:, i]
fwd = prod([K[Graphs.src(e), Graphs.dst(e)]^α[i]
for (e, i) in zip(spanning_forest, 1:length(α))])
rev = prod([K[Graphs.dst(e), Graphs.src(e)]^α[i]
for (e, i) in zip(spanning_forest, 1:length(α))])
isapprox(fwd, rev; atol = abstol, rtol = reltol) ? continue : return false


# Helper to find the index of the reaction with a given reactant and product complex.
function edgeindex(imat, src::T, dst::T) where T <: Int
for i in 1:size(imat, 2)
(imat[src, i] == -1) && (imat[dst, i] == 1) && return i
error("This edge does not exist in this reaction graph.")

function isdetailedbalanced(rs::ReactionSystem, parametermap::Vector{<:Pair})
pdict = Dict(parametermap)
isdetailedbalanced(rs, pdict)

function isdetailedbalanced(rs::ReactionSystem, parametermap::Tuple{<:Pair})
pdict = Dict(parametermap)
isdetailedbalanced(rs, pdict)

function isdetailedbalanced(rs::ReactionSystem, parametermap)
error("Parameter map must be a dictionary, tuple, or vector of symbol/value pairs.")

iscomplexbalanced(rs::ReactionSystem, parametermap)
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204 changes: 204 additions & 0 deletions test/network_analysis/network_properties.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -355,6 +355,7 @@ let
k = rand(rng, numparams(rn))
rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k))
@test Catalyst.iscomplexbalanced(rn, rates) == true
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -498,6 +499,107 @@ let
@test isempty(cyclemat)

### Complex and detailed balance tests

# The following network is conditionally complex balanced - it only

# Reversible, forest-like deficiency zero network - should be detailed balance for any choice of rate constants.
rn = @reaction_network begin
(k1, k2), A <--> B + C
(k3, k4), A <--> D
(k5, k6), A + D <--> E
(k7, k8), A + D <--> G
(k9, k10), G <--> 2F
(k11, k12), A + E <--> H

k1 = rand(rng, numparams(rn))
rates1 = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k1))
k2 = rand(StableRNG(232), numparams(rn))
rates2 = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k2))

rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn)
@test Catalyst.isforestlike(rn) == true
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates1) == true
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates2) == true

# Simple connected reversible network
rn = @reaction_network begin
(k1, k2), A <--> B
(k3, k4), B <--> C
(k5, k6), C <--> A

rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn)
rates1 = [:k1=>1.0, :k2=>1.0, :k3=>1.0, :k4=>1.0, :k5=>1.0, :k6=>1.0]
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates1) == true
rates2 = [:k1=>2.0, :k2=>1.0, :k3=>1.0, :k4=>1.0, :k5=>1.0, :k6=>1.0]
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates2) == false

# Independent cycle tests: the following reaction entwork has 3 out-of-forest reactions.
rn = @reaction_network begin
(k1, k2), A <--> B + C
(k3, k4), A <--> D
(k5, k6), B + C <--> D
(k7, k8), A + D <--> E
(k9, k10), G <--> 2F
(k11, k12), A + D <--> G
(k13, k14), G <--> E
(k15, k16), 2F <--> E
(k17, k18), A + E <--> H

rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn)
k = rand(rng, numparams(rn))
p = parameters(rn)
rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k))
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false

# Adjust rate constants to obey the independent cycle conditions.
rates[p[6]] = rates[p[1]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[5]] / (rates[p[2]]*rates[p[3]])
rates[p[14]] = rates[p[13]]*rates[p[11]]*rates[p[8]] / (rates[p[12]]*rates[p[7]])
rates[p[16]] = rates[p[8]]*rates[p[15]]*rates[p[9]]*rates[p[11]] / (rates[p[7]]*rates[p[12]]*rates[p[10]])
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == true

# Deficiency two network: the following reaction network must satisfy both the independent cycle conditions and the spanning forest conditions
rn = @reaction_network begin
(k1, k2), 3A <--> A + 2B
(k3, k4), A + 2B <--> 3B
(k5, k6), 3B <--> 2A + B
(k7, k8), 2A + B <--> 3A
(k9, k10), 3A <--> 3B

rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn)
@test Catalyst.edgeindex(D, 1, 2) == 1
@test Catalyst.edgeindex(D, 4, 3) == 6
k = rand(rng, numparams(rn))
p = parameters(rn)
rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k))
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false

# Adjust rate constants to fulfill independent cycle conditions.
rates[p[8]] = rates[p[7]]*rates[p[5]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[6]]*rates[p[10]])
rates[p[3]] = rates[p[2]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[1]]*rates[p[10]])
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false
# Should still fail - doesn't satisfy spanning forest conditions.

# Adjust rate constants to fulfill spanning forest conditions.
cons = rates[p[6]] / rates[p[5]]
rates[p[1]] = rates[p[2]] * cons
rates[p[9]] = rates[p[10]] * cons^(3/2)
rates[p[8]] = rates[p[7]]*rates[p[5]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[6]]*rates[p[10]])
rates[p[3]] = rates[p[2]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[1]]*rates[p[10]])
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == true

### Other Network Properties Tests ###

# Tests outgoing complexes matrices (1).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -637,6 +739,108 @@ let
@test Catalyst.robustspecies(EnvZ_OmpR) == [6]

### Complex and detailed balance tests

# The following network is conditionally complex balanced - it only

# Reversible, forest-like deficiency zero network - should be detailed balance for any choice of rate constants.
rn = @reaction_network begin
(k1, k2), A <--> B + C
(k3, k4), A <--> D
(k5, k6), A + D <--> E
(k7, k8), A + D <--> G
(k9, k10), G <--> 2F
(k11, k12), A + E <--> H

k1 = rand(rng, numparams(rn))
rates1 = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k1))
k2 = rand(StableRNG(232), numparams(rn))
rates2 = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k2))

rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn)
@test Catalyst.isforestlike(rn) == true
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates1) == true
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates2) == true

# Simple connected reversible network
rn = @reaction_network begin
(k1, k2), A <--> B
(k3, k4), B <--> C
(k5, k6), C <--> A

rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn)
rates1 = [:k1=>1.0, :k2=>1.0, :k3=>1.0, :k4=>1.0, :k5=>1.0, :k6=>1.0]
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates1) == true
rates2 = [:k1=>2.0, :k2=>1.0, :k3=>1.0, :k4=>1.0, :k5=>1.0, :k6=>1.0]
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates2) == false

# Independent cycle tests: the following reaction entwork has 3 out-of-forest reactions.
rn = @reaction_network begin
(k1, k2), A <--> B + C
(k3, k4), A <--> D
(k5, k6), B + C <--> D
(k7, k8), A + D <--> E
(k9, k10), G <--> 2F
(k11, k12), A + D <--> G
(k13, k14), G <--> E
(k15, k16), 2F <--> E
(k17, k18), A + E <--> H

rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn)
k = rand(rng, numparams(rn))
p = parameters(rn)
rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k))
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false

# Adjust rate constants to obey the independent cycle conditions.
rates[p[6]] = rates[p[1]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[5]] / (rates[p[2]]*rates[p[3]])
rates[p[14]] = rates[p[13]]*rates[p[11]]*rates[p[8]] / (rates[p[12]]*rates[p[7]])
rates[p[16]] = rates[p[8]]*rates[p[15]]*rates[p[9]]*rates[p[11]] / (rates[p[7]]*rates[p[12]]*rates[p[10]])
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == true

# Deficiency two network: the following reaction network must satisfy both the independent cycle conditions and the spanning forest conditions
rn = @reaction_network begin
(k1, k2), 3A <--> A + 2B
(k3, k4), A + 2B <--> 3B
(k5, k6), 3B <--> 2A + B
(k7, k8), 2A + B <--> 3A
(k9, k10), 3A <--> 3B

rcs, D = reactioncomplexes(rn)
@test Catalyst.edgeindex(D, 1, 2) == 1
@test Catalyst.edgeindex(D, 4, 3) == 6
k = rand(rng, numparams(rn))
p = parameters(rn)
rates = Dict(zip(parameters(rn), k))
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false

# Adjust rate constants to fulfill independent cycle conditions.
rates[p[8]] = rates[p[7]]*rates[p[5]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[6]]*rates[p[10]])
rates[p[3]] = rates[p[2]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[1]]*rates[p[10]])
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == false
# Should still fail - doesn't satisfy spanning forest conditions.

# Adjust rate constants to fulfill spanning forest conditions.
cons = rates[p[6]] / rates[p[5]]
rates[p[1]] = rates[p[2]] * cons
rates[p[9]] = rates[p[10]] * cons^(3/2)
rates[p[8]] = rates[p[7]]*rates[p[5]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[6]]*rates[p[10]])
rates[p[3]] = rates[p[2]]*rates[p[4]]*rates[p[9]] / (rates[p[1]]*rates[p[10]])
@test Catalyst.isdetailedbalanced(rn, rates) == true


# Fails because there are two terminal linkage classes in the linkage class
Expand Down

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