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improve ienterface for changing paraemters
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TorkelE committed Jul 11, 2024
1 parent baa0f81 commit c626fcb
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Showing 3 changed files with 131 additions and 101 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Catalyst.jl
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Expand Up @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ include("spatial_reaction_systems/utility.jl")

# Methods for interfacing with from LatticeReactionSystem derived problems, integrators, and solutions.
export lat_getu, lat_setu!, rebuild_lat_internals!
export lat_getp, lat_setp!, lat_getu, lat_setu!, rebuild_lat_internals!

### ReactionSystem Serialisation ###
# Has to be at the end (because it uses records of all metadata declared by Catalyst).
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78 changes: 49 additions & 29 deletions src/spatial_reaction_systems/lattice_sim_struct_interfacing.jl
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Expand Up @@ -39,39 +39,46 @@ lat_setp!(oprob, :k2, lrs, [1.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 0.0]) # Sets `k2` to `1.0` in o
function lat_setp!(sim_struct, p, lrs::LatticeReactionSystem, p_vals)
# Checks that if u is non-uniform, it has the correct format for the system's lattice.
(u isa Number) || check_lattice_format(extract_lattice(lrs), p_vals)
# Error checks.
(p_vals isa Number) || check_lattice_format(extract_lattice(lrs), p_vals)
edge_param_check(p, lrs)

# Converts symbol parameter to symbolic and find correct species index and numbers.
(p isa Symbol) && (p = _symbol_to_var(lrs, p))
(p isa Num) && (p = Symbolics.unwrap(p))
p_idx, p_tot = get_p_idxs(sp, lrs)
p_idx, p_tot = get_p_idxs(p, lrs)

# Reshapes the values to a vector of the correct form, and calls lat_setu! on the input structure.
# Reshapes the values to a vector of the correct form, and calls lat_setp! on the input structure.
p_vals_reshaped = vertex_value_form(p_vals, lrs, p)
lat_setp!(sim_struct, p_idx, p_tot, p_vals_reshaped, num_verts(lrs))
lat_setp!(sim_struct, p_idx, p_vals_reshaped, num_verts(lrs))

function lat_setp!(oprob::ODEProblem, p_idx::Int64, p_tot::Int64, p_vals, num_verts)
# Note: currently, `lat_setp!(oprob::ODEProblem, ...`) and `lat_setp!(SciMLBase.AbstractODEIntegrator, ...`)
# are identical and could be merged to a singe function.
function lat_setp!(oprob::ODEProblem, p_idx::Int64, p_vals, num_verts)
if length(p_vals) == 1
foreach(idx -> ([p_idx + (idx - 1) * p_tot] = p_vals[1]), 1:num_verts)
foreach(idx -> ([p_idx + (idx - 1) * p_tot] = p_vals[idx]), 1:num_verts)
foreach(idx -> (oprob.p[p_idx][idx] = p_vals[1]), 1:num_verts)
elseif length(p_vals) == length(oprob.p[p_idx])
foreach(idx -> (oprob.p[p_idx][idx] = p_vals[idx]), 1:num_verts)
elseif length(oprob.p[p_idx]) == 1
oprob.p[p_idx][1] = p_vals[1]
foreach(idx -> (push!(oprob.p[p_idx], p_vals[idx])), 2:num_verts)
function lat_setp!(jprob::JumpProblem, p_idx::Int64, p_tot::Int64, p_vals, num_verts)
function lat_setp!(jprob::JumpProblem, p_idx::Int64, p_vals, num_verts)
error("The `lat_setp!` function is currently not supported for `JumpProblem`s.")
function lat_setp!(oint::SciMLBase.AbstractODEIntegrator, p_idx::Int64, p_tot::Int64,
p_vals, num_verts)
function lat_setp!(oint::SciMLBase.AbstractODEIntegrator, p_idx::Int64, p_vals, num_verts)
if length(p_vals) == 1
foreach(idx -> ([p_idx + (idx - 1) * p_tot] = p_vals[1]), 1:num_verts)
foreach(idx -> ([p_idx + (idx - 1) * p_tot] = p_vals[idx]), 1:num_verts)
foreach(idx -> (oint.p[p_idx][idx] = p_vals[1]), 1:num_verts)
elseif length(p_vals) == length(oint.p[p_idx])
foreach(idx -> (oint.p[p_idx][idx] = p_vals[idx]), 1:num_verts)
elseif length(oint.p[p_idx]) == 1
oint.p[p_idx][1] = p_vals[1]
foreach(idx -> (push!(oint.p[p_idx], p_vals[idx])), 2:num_verts)
function lat_setp!(jint::JumpProcesses.SSAIntegrator, p_idx::Int64, p_tot::Int64,
p_vals, num_verts)
function lat_setp!(jint::JumpProcesses.SSAIntegrator, p_idx::Int64, p_vals, num_verts)
error("The `lat_setp!` function is currently not supported for jump simulation integrators.")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,22 +124,27 @@ lat_getp(oprob, :k1, lrs) # Retrieves the value of `k1`.
function lat_getp(sim_struct, p, lrs::LatticeReactionSystem)
p_idx, p_tot = get_p_idxs(p, lrs)
lat_getp(sim_struct, p_idx, p_tot, extract_lattice(lrs))
edge_param_check(p, lrs)
p_idx, _ = get_p_idxs(p, lrs)
lat_getp(sim_struct, p_idx, extract_lattice(lrs), num_verts(lrs))

# Retrieves the lattice values for problem or integrator structures.
function lat_getp(oprob::ODEProblem, p_idx, p_tot, lattice)
return reshape_vals(oprob.u0[p_idx:p_tot:end], lattice)
function lat_getp(oprob::ODEProblem, p_idx::Int64, lattice, num_verts)
vals = oprob.p[p_idx]
(length(vals) == 1) && (vals = fill(vals[1], num_verts))
return reshape_vals(vals, lattice)
function lat_getp(jprob::JumpProblem, p_idx, p_tot, lattice)
return reshape_vals(jprob.prob.u0[p_idx, :], lattice)
function lat_getp(jprob::JumpProblem, p_idx::Int64, lattice, num_verts)
error("The `lat_getp` function is currently not supported for `JumpProblem`s.")
function lat_getp(oint::SciMLBase.AbstractODEIntegrator, p_idx, p_tot, lattice)
return reshape_vals(oint.u[p_idx:p_tot:end], lattice)
function lat_getp(oint::SciMLBase.AbstractODEIntegrator, p_idx::Int64, lattice, num_verts)
vals = oint.p[p_idx]
(length(vals) == 1) && (vals = fill(vals[1], num_verts))
return reshape_vals(vals, lattice)
function lat_getp(jint::JumpProcesses.SSAIntegrator, p_idx, p_tot, lattice)
return reshape_vals(jint.u[p_idx, :], lattice)
function lat_getp(jint::JumpProcesses.SSAIntegrator, p_idx::Int64, lattice, num_verts)
error("The `lat_getp` function is currently not supported for jump simulation integrators.")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -533,8 +545,8 @@ end
# Get a parameter index and the total number of parameters. Also handles different symbolic forms.
function get_p_idxs(p, lrs::LatticeReactionSystem)
(p isa Symbol) && (p = _symbol_to_var(lrs, p))
p_idx = findfirst(isequal(sp), parameters(lrs))
p_tot = length(speciparameterses(lrs))
p_idx = findfirst(isequal(p), parameters(lrs))
p_tot = length(parameters(lrs))
return p_idx, p_tot

Expand All @@ -556,4 +568,12 @@ function check_lattice_format(lattice::DiGraph, u)
error("The input u should be an AbstractVector. It is a $(typeof(u)).")
(length(u) == nv(lattice)) ||
error("The input u should have length $(nv(lattice)), but has length $(length(u)).")

# Throws an error when interfacing with an edge parameter.
function edge_param_check(p, lrs)
(p isa Symbol) && (p = _symbol_to_var(lrs, p))
if isedgeparameter(p)
throw(ArgumentError("The `lat_getp` and `lat_setp!` functions currently does not support edge parameter updating. If you require this functionality, please raise an issue on the Catalyst GitHub page and we can add this feature."))
152 changes: 81 additions & 71 deletions test/spatial_modelling/lattice_simulation_struct_interfacing.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,68 +6,7 @@ using Catalyst, Graphs, JumpProcesses, OrdinaryDiffEq, SparseArrays, Test
# Fetch test networks.

### Basic Interfacing ###

# Checks that basic interfacing with ODEProblem parameters (getting and setting) works.
# Checks that basic interfacing with ODE integrators parameters (getting and setting) works.
# Creates an initial `ODEProblem` and integrator.
lrs = LatticeReactionSystem(brusselator_system, brusselator_srs_1, small_1d_cartesian_grid)
u0 = [:X => 1.0, :Y => 2.0]
ps = [:A => 1.0, :B => [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], :dX => 0.1]
oprob = ODEProblem(lrs, u0, (0.0, 10.0), ps)
oint = init(oprob, Tsit5())

# Checks that retrieved parameters are correct.
@test[:A] == [1.0]
@test[:B] == [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
@test[:dX] == sparse([1], [1], [0.1])

# Updates content.[:A] = [10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0][:B] = [10.0][:dX] = [0.01]

# Checks that content is correct.
@test[:A] == [10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0]
@test[:B] == [10.0]
@test[:dX] == [0.01]

# Checks that the integrator have the updated `ODEProblem` parameter (not sure if this is really desired though).
@test[:A] == [10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0]
@test[:B] == [10.0]
@test[:dX] == [0.01]

# Updates content.[:A] = [5.0][:B] = [0.5][:dX] = fill(0.2, 5, 5)

# Checks that content is correct.
@test[:A] == [5.0]
@test[:B] == [0.5]
@test[:dX] == fill(0.2, 5, 5)

# Checks normal interfacing for jump simulation structures. Currently does not work, and implementing
# this might be a major endeavour. This test primarily keeps track of it not working.
# Creates an initial `ODEProblem` and integrator.
lrs = LatticeReactionSystem(brusselator_system, brusselator_srs_1, small_1d_cartesian_grid)
u0 = [:X => 1, :Y => 2]
ps = [:A => 1.0, :B => [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0], :dX => 0.1]
dprob = DiscreteProblem(lrs, u0, (0.0, 10.0), ps)
jprob = JumpProblem(lrs, dprob, NSM())
jint = init(jprob, SSAStepper())

# Make basic checks (this features does not currently work).
@test_broken[:A] = [1.0]
@test_broken[:A] = [1.0]

### Problem & Integrator `lat_getu` & `lat_setu!` Tests ###
### Problem & Integrator Interfacing Function Tests ###

# Checks `lat_getu` for ODE and Jump problem and integrators.
# Checks `lat_setu!` for ODE and Jump problem and integrators.
Expand All @@ -85,8 +24,8 @@ let
# Unpacks the `X` and `Y` symbolic variable (so that indexing using it can be tested).
@unpack X, Y = brusselator_system

# Loops through all alternative lattices and `X0`. Checks that `lat_getu` works in all cases.
for (lattice, val0) in zip([lattice_cartesian, lattice_masked, lattice_graph],[val0_cartesian, val0_masked, val0_graph])
# Loops through all alternative lattices and values. Checks that `lat_getu` works in all cases.
for (lattice, val0) in zip([lattice_cartesian, lattice_masked, lattice_graph], [val0_cartesian, val0_masked, val0_graph])
# Prepares various problems and integrators. Uses `deepcopy` to ensure there is no cross-talk
# between the different u vectors as they get updated.
lrs = LatticeReactionSystem(brusselator_system, brusselator_srs_1, lattice)
Expand All @@ -108,11 +47,11 @@ let
lat_setu!(oprob, :Y, lrs, val0)
@test lat_getu(oprob, :Y, lrs) == lat_getu(oprob, Y, lrs) == lat_getu(oprob, brusselator_system.Y, lrs) == val0
lat_setu!(oint, :Y, lrs, val0)
@test lat_getu(oint, :X, lrs) == lat_getu(oint, X, lrs) == lat_getu(oint, brusselator_system.X, lrs) == val0
@test lat_getu(oint, :Y, lrs) == lat_getu(oint, Y, lrs) == lat_getu(oint, brusselator_system.Y, lrs) == val0
lat_setu!(jprob, :Y, lrs, val0)
@test lat_getu(jprob, :X, lrs) == lat_getu(jprob, X, lrs) == lat_getu(jprob, brusselator_system.X, lrs) == val0
@test lat_getu(jprob, :Y, lrs) == lat_getu(jprob, Y, lrs) == lat_getu(jprob, brusselator_system.Y, lrs) == val0
lat_setu!(jint, :Y, lrs, val0)
@test lat_getu(jint, :X, lrs) == lat_getu(jint, X, lrs) == lat_getu(jint, brusselator_system.X, lrs) == val0
@test lat_getu(jint, :Y, lrs) == lat_getu(jint, Y, lrs) == lat_getu(jint, brusselator_system.Y, lrs) == val0

# Tries where we change a spatially non-uniform variable to spatially uniform.
lat_setu!(oprob, X, lrs, 0.0)
Expand All @@ -126,6 +65,77 @@ let

# Checks `lat_getp` for ODEproblem and integrators.
# Checks `lat_setp!` for ODE problem and integrators.
# Checks for all types of lattices.
# Checks for symbol and symbolic variables input.
# Declares various types of lattices and corresponding initial values of `A`.
lattice_cartesian = CartesianGrid((2,2,2))
lattice_masked = [true true; false true]
lattice_graph = cycle_graph(5)
val0_cartesian = fill(1.0, 2, 2, 2)
val0_masked = sparse([1.0 2.0; 0.0 3.0])
val0_graph = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]

# Unpacks the `A` and `B` symbolic variable (so that indexing using it can be tested).
@unpack A, B = brusselator_system

# Loops through all alternative lattices and values. Checks that `lat_getp` works in all cases.
for (lattice, val0) in zip([lattice_cartesian, lattice_masked, lattice_graph], [val0_cartesian, val0_masked, val0_graph])
# Prepares various problems and integrators. Uses `deepcopy` to ensure there is no cross-talk
# between the different p vectors as they get updated.
lrs = LatticeReactionSystem(brusselator_system, brusselator_srs_1, lattice)
u0 = [:X => 1.0, :Y => 0.5]
ps = [:A => val0, :B => 2.0, :dX => 0.1]
oprob = ODEProblem(lrs, u0, (0.0, 1.0), deepcopy(ps))
oint = init(deepcopy(oprob), Tsit5())

# Check that `lat_getp` retrieves the correct values.
@test lat_getp(oprob, :A, lrs) == lat_getp(oprob, A, lrs) == lat_getp(oprob, brusselator_system.A, lrs) == val0
@test lat_getp(oint, :A, lrs) == lat_getp(oint, A, lrs) == lat_getp(oint, brusselator_system.A, lrs) == val0

# Updates Y and checks its content.
lat_setp!(oprob, :B, lrs, val0)
@test lat_getp(oprob, :B, lrs) == lat_getp(oprob, B, lrs) == lat_getp(oprob, brusselator_system.B, lrs) == val0
lat_setp!(oint, :B, lrs, val0)
@test lat_getp(oint, :B, lrs) == lat_getp(oint, B, lrs) == lat_getp(oint, brusselator_system.B, lrs) == val0

# Tries where we change a spatially non-uniform variable to spatially uniform.
lat_setp!(oprob, A, lrs, 0.0)
@test all(isequal(0.0), lat_getp(oprob, A, lrs))
lat_setp!(oint, A, lrs, 0.0)
@test all(isequal(0.0), lat_getp(oint, A, lrs))

# Checks that `lat_getp` and `lat_setp!` generates errors when applied to `JumpProblem`s and their integrators.
lrs = LatticeReactionSystem(brusselator_system, brusselator_srs_1, very_small_1d_cartesian_grid)
u0 = [:X => 1, :Y => 0]
ps = [:A => 3.0, :B => 2.0, :dX => 0.1]
dprob = DiscreteProblem(lrs, u0, (0.0, 1.0), ps)
jprob = JumpProblem(lrs, dprob, NSM())
jint = init(jprob, SSAStepper())

@test_throws Exception lat_getp(jprob, :A, lrs)
@test_throws Exception lat_getp(jprob, :A, lrs, 0.0)
@test_throws Exception lat_setp!(jint, :A, lrs)
@test_throws Exception lat_setp!(jint, :A, lrs, 0.0)

# Checks that `lat_getp` and `lat_setp!` generates errors when applied to edge parameters.
lrs = LatticeReactionSystem(brusselator_system, brusselator_srs_1, very_small_1d_cartesian_grid)
u0 = [:X => 1.0, :Y => 0.0]
ps = [:A => 3.0, :B => 2.0, :dX => 0.1]
oprob = ODEProblem(lrs, u0, (0.0, 1.0), ps)
oint = init(deepcopy(oprob), Tsit5())

@test_throws ArgumentError lat_getp(oprob, :dX, lrs)
@test_throws ArgumentError lat_setp!(oprob, :dX, lrs, 0.0)

### Simulation `lat_getu` Tests ###

# Basic test. For simulations without change in system, check that the solution corresponds to known
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,8 +353,8 @@ let
oprob_2 = ODEProblem(lrs, u0, (0.0, 10.0), ps; jac, sparse)

# Modifies the initial ODEProblem to be identical to the new one.[:A] = [1.1 1.2; 1.3 1.4][:B] = [5.0]
lat_setp!(oprob_1, :A, lrs, [1.1 1.2; 1.3 1.4])
lat_setp!(oprob_1, :B, lrs, 5.0)[:dX] = dX_vals[:dY] = [0.01]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,8 +403,8 @@ let
oprob_2 = ODEProblem(lrs, u0, (0.0, 10.0), ps_1; jac = true, sparse = true)
condition(u, t, integrator) = (t == 5.0)
function affect!(integrator)[:A] = A2[:B] = [B2]
lat_setp!(integrator, :A, lrs, A2)
lat_setp!(integrator, :B, lrs, B2)[:dX] = dX2[:dY] = [dY2]
Expand Down

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