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Adds balancing code and tests
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LalitChauhan56 committed Aug 2, 2023
1 parent 69360c8 commit a3aafe3
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Showing 2 changed files with 209 additions and 0 deletions.
173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions src/compound.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,3 +87,176 @@ component_coefficients(s::Num) = component_coefficients(MT.value(s))
function component_coefficients(s)
return [c => co for (c, co) in zip(components(s), coefficients(s))]

### Balancing Code

function create_matrix(reaction::Catalyst.Reaction)
compounds = [reaction.substrates; reaction.products]
atoms = []
n_atoms = 0
A = zeros(Int, 0, length(compounds))

for (j, compound) in enumerate(compounds)
if iscompound(compound)
pairs = component_coefficients(compound)
if pairs == Nothing
pairs = [(compound, 1)]

Check warning on line 107 in src/compound.jl

View check run for this annotation

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L107 was not covered by tests

for pair in pairs
atom, coeff = pair
i = findfirst(x -> isequal(x, atom), atoms)
if i === nothing
push!(atoms, atom)
n_atoms += 1
A = [A; zeros(Int, 1, length(compounds))]
i = n_atoms
coeff = any(map(p -> isequal(p, compounds[j]), reaction.products)) ? -coeff : coeff
A[i, j] = coeff
# Append a row with last element as 1
new_row = zeros(Int, 1, size(A, 2))
new_row[end] = 1
A = vcat(A, new_row)
return A

function get_stoich(reaction::Reaction)
# Create the matrix A using create_matrix function.
A = create_matrix(reaction)

# Create the vector b. The last element is 1 and others are 0.
B = zeros(Int64, size(A,1))
B[end] = 1

# Concatenate B to A to form an augmented matrix
AB = [A B]

# Apply the Bareiss algorithm

# Extract the transformed A and B
A_transformed = AB[:, 1:end-1]
B_transformed = AB[:, end]

# Convert A_transformed to rational numbers
A_transformed_rational = Rational.(A_transformed)

# Convert B_transformed to rational numbers
B_transformed_rational = Rational.(B_transformed)

# Perform the division
X = A_transformed_rational \ B_transformed_rational

# Get the denominators of the rational numbers in X
denominators = denominator.(X)

# Compute the LCM of the denominators
lcm_value = reduce(lcm, denominators)

# Multiply each element in X by the LCM of the denominators
X_multiplied = X .* lcm_value

# Convert the rational numbers to integers
X_integers = numerator.(X_multiplied)

return X_integers

function balance(reaction::Reaction)
# Calculate the stoichiometric coefficients for the balanced reaction.
stoichiometries = get_stoich(reaction)

# Divide the stoichiometry vector into substrate and product stoichiometries.
substoich = stoichiometries[1:length(reaction.substrates)]
prodstoich = stoichiometries[(length(reaction.substrates)) + 1:end]

# Create a new reaction with the balanced stoichiometries
balanced_reaction = Reaction(reaction.rate, reaction.substrates, reaction.products, substoich, prodstoich)

# Return the balanced reaction
return balanced_reaction

# function get_stoich(reaction::Reaction) ## Gaussian Elimination
# # Create the matrix A using create_matrix function.
# A = create_matrix(reaction)

# # Create the vector b. The last element is 1 and others are 0.
# B = zeros(Int64, size(A,1))
# B[end] = 1

# # Convert A and B to sparse matrices
# A = sparse(A)

# # Apply the LU factorization (Gaussian elimination)
# lu_f = lu(A)

# # Convert B to a dense vector
# B_dense = Vector(B)

# # Solve for X using the LU factorization
# X = lu_f \ B_dense

# # Get the smallest positive value in X
# smallest_value = minimum(X[X .> 0])

# # Normalize X to be integers
# X_normalized = round.(Int64, X / smallest_value)

# return X_normalized
# end

# function get_stoich(reaction::Reaction) ##Bareiss Algorithm (Does not avoid floating points)
# # Create the matrix A using create_matrix function.
# A = create_matrix(reaction)

# # Create the vector b. The last element is 1 and others are 0.
# B = zeros(Int64, size(A,1))
# B[end] = 1

# # Concatenate B to A to form an augmented matrix
# AB = [A B]

# # Apply the Bareiss algorithm
# ModelingToolkit.bareiss!(AB)

# # Extract the transformed A and B
# A_transformed = AB[:, 1:end-1]
# B_transformed = AB[:, end]

# # Solve for X using back substitution
# X = A_transformed \ B_transformed

# # Get the smallest positive value in X
# smallest_value = minimum(X[X .> 0])

# # Normalize X to be integers
# X_normalized = round.(Int64, X / smallest_value)

# return X_normalized
# end

# @variables t
# @parameters k
# @species C(t) H(t) O(t)
# @compound O2(t) 2O
# @compound CO2(t) 1C 2O
# @compound H2O(t) 2H 1O
# @compound C6H12O6(t) 6C 12H 6O
# rx = Reaction(k,[CO2,H2O],[C6H12O6,O2])

# using LinearAlgebra
# using SparseArrays
# using SuiteSparse.UMFPACK

# gcd_value = gcd(X...)
# X_scaled = X ./ gcd_value

# X = [1,1,0.2,1]
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions test/miscellaneous_tests/compound_macro.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,3 +96,39 @@ end
# @test isequal(coefficients(C10H12)[1], 2)
# end

#Check that balancing works.
@variables t
@parameters k
@species H(t) O(t)
@compound H2(t) 2H
@compound O2(t) 2O
@compound H2O(t) 2H 1O

rx = Reaction(k,[H2,O2],[H2O])

@test isequal(create_matrix(rx),[2 0 -2; 0 2 -1; 0 0 1;])
@test isequal(get_stoich(rx),[2, 1, 2])

balanced_rx = Reaction(k,[H2,O2],[H2O],[2,1],[2])
@test isequal(balanced_rx, balance(rx))


@variables t
@parameters k
@species C(t) H(t) O(t)
@compound O2(t) 2O
@compound CO2(t) 1C 2O
@compound H2O(t) 2H 1O
@compound C6H12O6(t) 6C 12H 6O

rx = Reaction(k,[CO2,H2O],[C6H12O6,O2])

@test isequal(create_matrix(rx),[ 1 0 -6 0; 2 1 -6 -2; 0 2 -12 0; 0 0 0 1;])
@test isequal(get_stoich(rx),[6, 6, 1, 6])

balanced_rx = Reaction(k,[CO2,H2O],[C6H12O6,O2],[6, 6], [1,6])
@test isequal(balanced_rx, balance(rx))

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