Hackathon eCommerce site built in <5 hours by the CABJ ("Cabbage") Team!
@jafcoder @AmandaRichards @theusufructuary @bM7tcHF88GBxDni
- Wrote user experiences to help design the journeys/pathing necessary for our MVP
- Blocked out low to high fidelity designs using Figma
- Mobile first design gives us flexibility and ease for desktop development at a later stage after MVP
- Colour schemes, dark mode spec required
- Experimented with some features (carousel for items, categories for items, searchbar)
- Researching and testing new npm module we found online in CodeSandBox
- Exploring eCommerce API and new tech (e.g. carousel modules, libraries)
- Breaking down design into components and creating a component structure that plans States and Behaviours
- Chose Trello over Jira as we only had a day
- Greatly helped everyone know the direction we are heading in
- User experience/journey assisted creating user acceptance criteria as tasks and features here
- Helped us delegate tasks
- Helped us see where everyone else is at with tasks
- More granular columns (CSS, Testing) for programming tasks
- Initially setup the repository boilerplate together, setup up a dev branch, delegated tasks, set the next stand up time and split into two teams to start with development
- Frequent stand-ups, two per hour ish
- Helped us reprioritise features as necessary e.g. sticking to display spec over carousel, light/dark mode over burger menu
- Helped us communicate what all our feature branches were doing and greatly reduced conflicts for pull requests later
- Automated unit testing of rendering using Jest and React Testing Library
- Created a few high impact tests so we know that future changes aren’t breaking key features
- Using dummy props data to test Card component
- Mobile and desktop responsive site
- We found the API was sometimes slow to load so there is a Loading Message when Category components are awaiting
- We test for image alt text
- Data is fetched in a reusable component (no prop drilling issues)
- 1 hour - add basic search functionality using state to capture and render using user input
- 1.5 hours - full automated testing of landing page
- 1.5 hours - favourite button working
- 3 hours - two extra web pages and include routes to other webpages on the website via the nav bar