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A dependency-free, well designed and highly customizable notification library.


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A dependency-free, well designed and highly customizable notification library.


Live demo with playground will be available soon here.

The following examples have been made with the objective of demonstrating completely differently designed notifications for all kinds of use cases:

Design examples

Animation example

Table of contents

  1. How to install
  2. How to use
  3. How to configure
  4. All available options
  5. Global events
  6. Browser support
  7. Contributing
  8. Creator
  9. License

How to install

Using Bower (recommended)

bower install notification-js --save

Using npm

npm install notification-js --save

Using GitHub

git clone

Add to your document

Include both the script and css files within your html document:

<!-- During development -->
<script src="notification.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="notification.css">

<!-- For production -->
<script src="notification.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="notification.min.css">

Furthermore this library can be used as a AMD or Node module.

How to use

Show notifications

You can show a notification by calling:

// Simple way (with profile name and message)
notification.notify( 'success', 'Settings successfully saved.' );

// Advanced way (plus additional options)
notification.notify( 'success', 'Settings successfully saved.', {
	// ...
} );

Clear all notifications

You can clear all visible notifications by calling:

// Simple way

// With no animation offset
notification.clearAll( false );

// With custom animation offset (in seconds, default is 0.15)
notification.clearAll( 0.3 );

// With a callback
notification.clearAll( function() { ... } );

// With both animation offset and callback
notification.clearAll( 0.3, function() { ... } );

Clear the newest notification

You can clear just the newst notification by calling:

// Simple way

// With a callback
notification.clearNewest( function() { ... } );

Clear the oldest notification

You can clear just the oldest notification by calling:

// Simple way

// With a callback
notification.clearOldest( function() { ... } );

How to configure

The concept of profiles

You may run into the situation that you fire multiple notifications and some of them are pretty similar when speaking about design and functionality. But you don't want to repeat yourself by passing in an options object again and again. There has to be a better way.

And there is! You have the ability to group similar notifications together by using the concept of profiles.

There are three different types of profiles:

  • The global profile which contains all possible options with their default values, and therefore serves as the base configuration
  • Predefined profiles like success, warning, error, default and info which contain some basic options (mostly colors) for their use cases
  • And yes, your own profiles, for example message, confirmation or social

Options are combined / prioritized by the following hierarchy:

  • Most important (and specific) are the options you pass in within the notify method
  • Then all predefined profiles (e.g. success) or your own profiles are taken into account
  • Lastly the global profile provides the values that are yet not set

Add a profile

You can add a brand new profile by calling:

// Create a new profile named 'social' without options
notification.addProfile( 'social' );

// Create a new profile named 'social' with options
notification.addProfile( 'social', {
	// ...
} );

Configure a profile

You can overwrite profile options with your own options object by calling:

// Configure the 'social' profile
notification.configProfile( 'social', {
	// ...
} );

Remove a profile

You can remove any profile which is not predefined (e.g. global or success) by calling:

// Remove the 'social' profile
notification.removeProfile( 'social' );

Reset a profile

You can reset any profile which is not predefined (e.g. global or success) by calling:

// Reset the 'social' profile to global default options
notification.resetProfile( 'social' );

Get options of a profile

You can get the options from a profile by calling:

// Get 'global' profile options
notification.getProfile( 'global' );

Check if a profile exists

You can check if a profile exists by calling:

// This returns true because the 'global' profile deos exist
notification.checkProfile( 'global' );

All available options

The following presents an overview over all available options including detailed explanations and examples:

  1. Notification options
  2. Symbol options
  3. Message options
  4. Dismiss button options
  5. Behaviour options
  6. Animation options
  7. Callbacks

Notification options


This option defines the position on the screen in which notifications will appear. The first value is responsible for the x-axis (left | middle | right), the second value for the y-axis (bottom | top).

// Notifications will appear on the left bottom of the screen
position: [ 'left', 'bottom' ]


This option defines distances: The first two values are responsible for the distance between the notification and each screen edge (x-axis, y-axis), the third value sets the vertical gap between multiple notifications.

// 20px distance to each screen edge (horizontal and vertical)
// 10px gap between notifications
distances: [ 20, 20, 10 ]


This option defines the notification height.

Note: Make sure to change this value carefully in order to prevent design issues.

// The notification has a height of 60px
height: 60

Maximum width

This option defines the maximum notification width.

Note: The notification will not be wider than the screen size allows.

// The notification cannot be wider than the screen width
maxWidth: false

// The notification cannot be wider that 500px
maxWidth: 500

Round corners

This option defines the corner roundness of the notification. Each value represents a corner, starting from the top left one and continuing clockwise.

Tip: Set all values half the notification height in order to make the notification round.

// No round corners
roundCorners: false

// Each notification corner is 1px round
roundCorners: [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]


This option defines the notification background color. Note that when changing this, you may also update other colors in order to maintain good readability (by preserving enough contrast).

Tip: HEX and RGB color values are recommended.

// Dark grey as the notification background color
color: '#666'

Symbol options


With this option you can enable or disable the notification symbol.

// Notification with a symbol
visibility: true

// Notification without a symbol
visibility: false


This option defines what the symbol should look like. Here you can either set an icon (e.g. checkmark for success feedback) or an image (e.g. user image for social use cases).

  • When set to false the default symbol is being used (only for success, error profiles)
  • You can set a string containing any valid svg code (to use inline svg)
  • You can set a relative / absolute path pointing to an image of any format (e.g. jpg, png)
  • You can set a function which returns a valid svg DOM element (to use inline svg)

Note: For quality and perf reasons the resource should be quadratic and optimally sized.

// Using the default symbol
resource: false

// String containing svg code
resource: '<svg> ... </svg>'

// Relative url to a PNG image
resource: 'img/symbols/email.png'

// Function that returns a beautifully designed svg icon
resource: function() {
	var svg = document.createElementNS( '', 'svg' );
	// ...
	return svg;

Round corners

This option defines the corner roundness of the symbol. Each value represents a corner, starting from the top left one and continuing clockwise.

Tip: Set all values half the notification height in order to make the symbol round.

// No round corners
roundCorners: false

// Each symbol corner is 1px round
roundCorners: [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ]


This option defines the symbol highlight color. Note that this color might not visible when the symbol resource is an image with no transparency.

Tip: HEX, RGB or RGBA color values are recommended.

// No highlight color
color: false

// Darker background highlight
color: 'rgba(0,0,0,.1)'

// Brighter background highlight
color: 'rgba(255,255,255,.15)'

Message options


With this option you can enable or disable the notification message.

Note: Hiding the notification message is not recommended.

// Notification with a message
visibility: true

// Notification without a message
visibility: false


This option defines the text color of the message.

Tip: HEX or RGB color values are recommended.

// White text color
color: '#FFF'

Text size

This option defines the text size of the message.

Tip: Make sure to change this value onyl slightly to prevent design issues.

// Font size of 14px
textSize: 14

Dismiss button options


With this option you can enable or disable the notification dismiss button.

Tip: When disabling the dismiss button, make sure to at least enable auto hide.

// Notification with a dismiss button
visibility: true

// Notification without a dismiss button
visibility: false


This option defines the dismiss text color.

Tip: HEX or RGB color values are recommended.

// White text color
color: '#FFF'


This option defines whether a close icon or some custom text is being displayed within the dismiss button.

// Dismiss button with a close icon
text: false

// Dismiss button named 'dismiss'
text: 'dismiss'

// Dismiss button named 'close'
text: 'close'

Behaviour options

Auto hide

With this option you can define a time duration after which the notification will close itself automatically.

Tip: When disabling auto hide, make sure to at least provide a dismiss button.

// Notification stays open (like forever ...)
autoHide: false

// Notification will close itself after 5 seconds
autoHide: 5

Action on mouseover

This option defines what will happen when the user hovers over the notification area.

Note: This option only works if auto hide is enabled.

// Nothing will happen
onMouseover: false

// The auto hide countdown will be paused
onMouseover: 'pause'

// The auto hide countdown will be reset (to its start value)
onMouseover: 'reset'


This option defines what will happen when more than one notification appear at the same time.

// Multiple notifications will be stacked up
stacking: true

// Only one notification can exist at a time
stacking: false


This option defines the maximum number (the limit) of notifications that can be open at the same time.

Note: This option only works if stacking is enabled.

// Show as many notifications as there is room for on the screen
limit: true

// There must not be more that 4 notifications at a time
limit: 4

// Show as many notifications as there is room for on the screen,
// but leave (unused) room for 2 more notifications
limit: -2

// No limit of notifications
limit: false

HTML mode

This option defines how the notification message will be rendered. Note that disabling this option generally gives you a higher performance as well as better security (e.g. against XSS).

Tip: When enabled you can use html markup like links (<a>) or text styling (<strong>).

// Plain text message
htmlMode: false

// Message with html markup taken into account
htmlMode: true

Animation options

Enable or disable

With this option you can turn all animations on or off. This option affects the whole notification with all its components.

Tip: You may temporarily turn off animations during development to speed up workflow.

// All animations are enabled
enabled: true

// All animations are disabled
enabled: false


This option defines how long animations are going to take from start to end. The first value represents the duration of things animating in, the second one of things animating out.

// 0.75s duration to both animate in and out
duration: [ 0.75, 0.75 ]


This option defines what animation easing function is being used; again the first value for things animating in, the second one for things animating out.

// Both animations (in and out) use the 'ease' function
easing: [ 'ease', 'ease']


Here you can define functions that are being invoked when certain events occure. When set to false nothing will happen.

// Triggers when notification starts animating in
onOpen: function() { ... }

// Triggers when notification is fully animated in
onOpened: function() { ... }

// Triggers when notification start animating out
onClose: function() { ... }

// Triggers when notification is fully animated out
onClosed: function() { ... }

// Triggers when the user hits the dismiss button
onDismiss: function() { ... }

// Triggers when the user enters the notification area with the mouse
onMouseenter: function() { ... }

// Triggers when the user leaves the notification area with the mouse
onMouseleave: function() { ... }

Default global options

The following shows all the default options (in the global profile) for every notification.

	notification: {
		position: [ 'left', 'bottom' ],
		distances: [ 20, 20, 10 ],
		height: 60,
		maxWidth: false,
		roundCorners: [ 1, 1, 1, 1],
		color: 'green'
	symbol: {
		visible: true
		resource: false,
		roundCorners: false,
		color: 'rgba(0,0,0,.1)'
	message: {
		visible: true,
		textSize: 14,
		color: '#FFF'
	dismiss: {
		visible: true,
		color: '#FFF',
		text: false
	behaviour: {
		autoHide: 5,
		onMouseover: 'pause',
		stacking: true,
		limit: true,
		htmlMode: false
	animations: {
		enabled: true,
		duration: [ 0.75, 0.75 ],
		easing: [ 'ease', 'ease' ]
	callbacks: {
		onOpen: false,
		onOpened: false,
		onClose: false,
		onClosed: false,
		onDismiss: false,
		onMouseenter: false,
		onMouseleave: false

Global events

Instead of defining custom callback functions in the options object you can also react to notification events globally.

Add event listener

You can add a global notification event listener by calling:

// Short version
notification.on( 'open', function() { ... } );

// Vanilla JavaScript
document.addEventListener( '', function() { ... } );

// jQuery
$('document').on( '', function() { ... } )

Remove event listener

You can remove a global notification event listener by calling:

// Short version 'open', function );

// Vanilla JavaScript
document.removeEventListener( '', function );

// jQuery
$('document').off( '', function )

List of all events

The following list contains all available events. Next to the short event name (for the library specific methods) and the long event name (for the vanilla JavaScript or jQuery methods) there is also a description explaining when these events will be triggered.

Short Long Description
open Notification starts animating in
opened notificaiton.opened Notification is fully animated in
close notification.close Notification starts animating out
closed notification.closed Notification is fully animated out
dismiss notificaiton.dismiss Notification is being manually dismissed
mouseenter notification.mouseenter Mouse enters the notification area
mouseleave notification.mouseleave Mouse leaves the notification area

Browser support

This library should completely work with the following browser:

  • Internet Explorer 10+
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox 23+
  • Google Chrome 30+
  • Opera 17+
  • Safari 7.1+


Anyone can enter issues for feature requests or bugs, and anyone can contribute to this project here on Github. In addition we use this public Trello board to enter, discuss and develop new ideas and features for this library.

Code quality

Development environment

This project uses Grunt to automate development tasks like formating, validating and minifiying different files. You can install Grunt and all used plugins by simply opening your command line tool, navigating to the main project folder and calling npm install (NodeJS required).

This process also automatically creates and installs a (project specific) git hook for you which ensures that the main Grunt task is being executed before any commit. This way the optimized library files (in the build folder) are always syntactically correct and up to date.

All git actions has to be executed within command line to make the git hook work properly !


Dominique Müller

Please feel free to contact me at any time !


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2015 Dominique Müller <[email protected]>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



A dependency-free, well designed and highly customizable notification library.







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  • JavaScript 95.2%
  • CSS 4.8%