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Daniel Spors edited this page Dec 19, 2023 · 2 revisions

Classes in file reflection/resourceattribute.class.php

class ResourceAttribute

Specifies that a resource file is needed. Note this above a class to force the resouce to be automatically searched and added the resulting output.


Extends: WdfAttribute

Subclasses: ExternalResourceAttribute


Will collect all Resource attributes from a given classname Will also step down the inheritance graph to collect Resources from there.

Definition: public static function Collect($classname)

Returns: array Array of resource attributes


  • object|string $classname Classname or object to collect resources for


Resolves this resource to a URL Will call resFile() to do so, so result will be callable from the current location.

Definition: public function Resolve()

Returns: string URL to resource


Resolves an array of ResourceAttributes Calls ResourceAttribute::Resolve() for each and returns an array of resolved URLs

Definition: public static function ResolveAll($array_of_res_attr)

Returns: array An array of URLs to the resources


  • array $array_of_res_attr Resources to be resolved
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